Dreamweaver CC Codeview 中带有字母 'R' 的红色背景是什么?

What is the RED background with the letter 'R' in Dreamweaver CC Codeview?

我不确定这到底是什么时候出现的,但是在处理文件的过程中,我突然得到了这个巨大的红色代码块。我可以单击 'R' 并更改我的文档(很难说到底发生了什么变化,悬停时没有信息)。


您正在 Dreamweaver 中使用 Git,而困扰您的实际上是一个 功能 。 Adobe 帮助页面上的 tracking edits in Git 部分解释了这一点。左边的彩色条称为 guttermarks:

A guttermark indicates those lines where changes have been made. Guttermarks in green indicate new code that has been added. Guttermark in yellow indicates modified code, while guttermark in red indicates a code line that has been deleted.

When you click the yellow guttermark, the application displays the change in the code. The deleted line of code appears in red while the newly added code appears in green.

Notice an R symbol at the left corner of the deleted lines of code. To add the deleted code back to your file, click the R symbol.

Git settings in Dreamweaver 只有关于您的连接的选项,因此似乎没有简单的方法可以使 guttermark 效果对眼睛更友好。但是现在你知道你在处理什么,如果你不点击 guttermarks 你的眼睛就会安全。