如何在 C++17 中强制模板和模板模板参数之间的约束

How to enforce constraints between template and template template parameters in C++17


template<typename T>
struct NDArrayHostAllocatorNew
    static T* allocate(std::size_t size) {
        return new T[size];

    static void deallocate(const T* ptr){
        delete [] ptr;

template<typename T, template<typename TT> typename Alloc>
class NDArrayHost
    typedef Alloc<T> allocator_type;
    NDArrayHost(std::size_t size);
    T* m_data;

template<typename T, template<typename TT> typename Alloc>
NDArrayHost<T, Alloc>::NDArrayHost(std::size_t size)
    m_data = allocator_type::allocate(size);


一种方法是根据类型 TAlloc 声明基本模板,然后只提供合法的偏特化。

#include <cstddef>
#include <memory>

template<typename T>
struct NDArrayHostAllocatorNew
    static T* allocate(std::size_t size) {
        return new T[size];

    static void deallocate(const T* ptr){
        delete [] ptr;

 * declare the base template in terms of T and allocator
template<typename T, typename Alloc>
class NDArrayHost;

 * only provide legal specialisations
template<class T, template<class> class Alloc>
class NDArrayHost<T, Alloc<T>>
    typedef Alloc<T> allocator_type;
    NDArrayHost(std::size_t size);
    T* m_data;

template<class T, template<class> class Alloc>
NDArrayHost<T, Alloc<T>>::NDArrayHost(std::size_t size)
    m_data = allocator_type::allocate(size);

如果我们愿意,我们可以添加一个专门化以在 T 不匹配时提供诊断:

/* specifically disallow illegal specialisations */
template<class T, class U, template<class> class Alloc>
class NDArrayHost<T, Alloc<U>>
    static_assert(std::is_same<T, U>(), "meh");


int main()
    NDArrayHost<int, NDArrayHostAllocatorNew<int>> h(10);

    // fails with static assert
    // NDArrayHost<int, NDArrayHostAllocatorNew<double>> h2(10);