上传时的 Dropzone 提交按钮

Dropzone Submit Button on Upload

我想添加一个按钮上传到我的 dropzone 文件上传器。目前它是在选择文件或将文件拖到拖放区后直接上传文件。我想做的是: 1. Select 或drap文件待上传。 2. 验证 3. 点击或按下上传按钮上传文件。

N.B: 文件只有在按下上传按钮后才会上传。


<form id='frmTarget' name='dropzone' action='upload_files.php' class='dropzone'>
   <div class='fallback'>
      <input name='file' type='file' multiple />
   <input id='refCampaignID' name='refCampaignID' type='hidden' value=\ "$rowCampaign->CampaignID\" />

这是我的 JS

Dropzone.options.frmTarget = 
            url: 'upload_files.php',
            paramName: 'file',
            clickable: true,
            maxFilesize: 5,
            uploadMultiple: true, 
            maxFiles: 2,
            addRemoveLinks: true,
            acceptedFiles: '.png,.jpg,.pdf',
            dictDefaultMessage: 'Upload your files here',
            success: function(file, response)
                setTimeout(function() {
                }, 2000);


 foreach ($_FILES["file"] as $key => $arrDetail) 
      foreach ($arrDetail as $index => $detail) {
         $targetDir = "project_images/";
         $fileName = $_FILES["file"]['name'][$index];
         $targetFile = $targetDir.$fileName;

            $db = new ZoriDatabase("tblTarget", $_REQUEST["TargetID"], null, 0);
            $db->Fields["refCampaignID"] = $_REQUEST["refCampaignID"];
            $db->Fields["strPicture"] = $fileName;
            $db->Fields["blnActive"] = 1;
            $db->Fields["strLastUser"] = $_SESSION[USER]->USERNAME;
            $result = $db->Save();

            if($result->Error == 1){
               return "Details not saved.";
               return "Details saved.";
            return "File not uploaded.";


  1. 添加按钮:

    <button type="submit" id="button" class="btn btn-primary">Submit</button>
  2. 告诉 Dropzone 不要 在您放下文件时自动上传文件,默认情况下会自动上传。这是用 the autoProcessQueue config option:

    autoProcessQueue: false
  3. 由于 Dropzone 现在不会自动上传文件,您需要在单击按钮时手动告诉它这样做。所以你需要一个按钮点击的事件处理程序,它告诉 Dropzone 进行上传:

    $("#button").click(function (e) {
  4. 这将只是 POST 上传的文件,没有任何其他输入字段。您可能想要 post 所有字段,例如您的 refCampaignID、CSRF 令牌(如果有的话)等。为此,您需要在发送前将它们复制到 POST 中。 Dropzone 有一个 sending event ,它在每个文件发送之前被调用,您可以在其中添加回调:

    this.on('sending', function(file, xhr, formData) {
        // Append all form inputs to the formData Dropzone will POST
        var data = $('form').serializeArray();
        $.each(data, function(key, el) {
            formData.append(el.name, el.value);


Dropzone.options.frmTarget = {
    autoProcessQueue: false,
    url: 'upload_files.php',
    init: function () {

        var myDropzone = this;

        // Update selector to match your button
        $("#button").click(function (e) {

        this.on('sending', function(file, xhr, formData) {
            // Append all form inputs to the formData Dropzone will POST
            var data = $('#frmTarget').serializeArray();
            $.each(data, function(key, el) {
                formData.append(el.name, el.value);

我想我也会添加一个纯 vanilla JS 解决方案,没有 jQuery。

/* 'dropform' is a camelized version of your dropzone form's ID */
      Dropzone.options.dropform = {
        /* Add all your configuration here */
        autoProcessQueue: false,

        init: function()
          let myDropzone = this;
          /* 'submit-dropzone-btn' is the ID of the form submit button */
          document.getElementById('submit-dropzone-btn').addEventListener("click", function (e) {

          this.on('sending', function(file, xhr, formData) 
            /* OPTION 1 (not recommended): Construct key/value pairs from inputs in the form to be sent off via new FormData
               'dropform' is the ID of your dropzone form
               This method still works, but it's submitting a new form instance.  */
              formData = new FormData(document.getElementById('dropform'));

             /* OPTION 2: Append inputs to FormData */
              formData.append("input-name", document.getElementById('input-id').value);

注意: 设置事件监听器,例如我们在这里做的 sending 应该放在 init 函数中。如果您要将它们放在其他地方,例如:

init: function() 
sending: function(file, xhr, formData) 
  //... logic before each file send

这将覆盖 dropzone 为 sending 事件侦听器提供的默认逻辑,并可能导致意外的副作用。只有当你知道自己在做什么时才应该这样做。