response.send 了解吗? (集线器脚本)
response.send understanding? (hubot-script)
我最近安装了 hubot 并正在测试它。
鉴于此代码(hubot-maps - file 的一部分)
robot.respond /(?:(satellite|terrain|hybrid)[- ])?map( me)? (.+)/i, (msg) ->
mapType = msg.match[1] or "roadmap"
location = encodeURIComponent(msg.match[3])
mapUrl = "" +
location +
"&size=400x400&maptype=" +
mapType +
"&sensor=false" +
"&format=png" # So campfire knows it's an image
url = "" +
location +
"&hl=en&sll=37.0625,-95.677068&sspn=73.579623,100.371094&vpsrc=0&hnear=" +
location +
msg.send mapUrl
msg.send url
我在哪里先 url
然后 mapUrl
从 this hubot PR 开始,Hubot 似乎异步运行您的 msg.send
As a side effect, listeners are now executed asynchronously. Behavior
around message.done should remain the same (process until message.done
is true).
如果你想在 url
之前 mapUrl
,你可以看看 source code 中的发送函数,它接受一个有序字符串列表。
// Public: Posts a message back to the chat source
// strings - One or more strings to be posted. The order of these strings
// should be kept intact.
// Returns nothing.
send (/* ...strings */) {
const strings = []
this.runWithMiddleware.apply(this, ['send', { plaintext: true }].concat(strings))
我最近安装了 hubot 并正在测试它。
鉴于此代码(hubot-maps - file 的一部分)
robot.respond /(?:(satellite|terrain|hybrid)[- ])?map( me)? (.+)/i, (msg) ->
mapType = msg.match[1] or "roadmap"
location = encodeURIComponent(msg.match[3])
mapUrl = "" +
location +
"&size=400x400&maptype=" +
mapType +
"&sensor=false" +
"&format=png" # So campfire knows it's an image
url = "" +
location +
"&hl=en&sll=37.0625,-95.677068&sspn=73.579623,100.371094&vpsrc=0&hnear=" +
location +
msg.send mapUrl
msg.send url
我在哪里先 url
然后 mapUrl
从 this hubot PR 开始,Hubot 似乎异步运行您的 msg.send
As a side effect, listeners are now executed asynchronously. Behavior around message.done should remain the same (process until message.done is true).
如果你想在 url
之前 mapUrl
,你可以看看 source code 中的发送函数,它接受一个有序字符串列表。
// Public: Posts a message back to the chat source
// strings - One or more strings to be posted. The order of these strings
// should be kept intact.
// Returns nothing.
send (/* ...strings */) {
const strings = []
this.runWithMiddleware.apply(this, ['send', { plaintext: true }].concat(strings))