为什么我的代码对 N 皇后不起作用?

Why doesn't my code work for N queens?

我得到了这个代码,基本上如果我输入:0 1 那么 1 将被分配到这个邻接矩阵上的位置 0 1 我命名为 chessboard.Problem 是一个大小为 4x4 的棋盘,如果我输入

1 0, 
3 1,
0 2,
2 3 


[[0, 0, 1, 0], [1, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 1], [0, 1, 0, 0]]

但我收到错误 'int' object does not support item assignment in this line:

chessboard[pos[0]][pos[1]] = 1


N = int ( input (" Enter N: ") ) # Makes an empty chessboard of size N by N
chessboard = N*[0]
for row in range (N) :
    # This while loop asks the user for input N times and checks that it ’s     validity and places the queens
    inputCount = 0
    while inputCount < N:
         pos = input (" Please input the Queen position ")
        pos = pos.split () # Cast the input as integers
        pos [0] = int (pos [0])
        pos [1] = int (pos [1])
# If the input is out of range , inform the user , decrement the counter set the input to 0 1
    if pos [0] < 0 or pos [0] >N-1 or pos [1] < 0 or pos [1] >N-1:
        print (" Invalid position ")
        pos [0] = pos [1] = 0
    else :# Uses the input to place the queens
        chessboard[pos[0]][pos[1]] = 1
    inputCount += 1
print ( chessboard )
chessboard = N*[0]
for row in range (N) :

    # here you're still in the chessboard init loop

    inputCount = 0
    while inputCount < N:


因为 chessboard 首先是一个整数列表(为什么?),在你的循环中被一个整数列表替换,并且你的循环只执行第一次迭代,你得到这个错误。

您需要取消缩进 print(chessboard)


但最好只初始化 chessboard 而无需像这样的循环(在外循环中使用列表理解而不是乘法,以生成每一行的单独引用):

chessboard = [[0]*N for _ in range(N)]