
Loop through all comments for a substring

我正在编写一个程序,它会遍历包含艺术家姓名的字符串列表,并将其与 Reddit 提交的所有评论进行比较。它在找到一个匹配项后停止或根本不起作用(即使使用简单的测试字符串),你能指出这个错误吗?包括不包括身份验证的 Reddit 部分。

submission = reddit.submission(id='75lnoo') # Topic about Eminem, lots of mentions of him
submission.comments.replace_more(limit=0)  # Stores all the comments
comments = submission.comments.list()
artists_list = ['Eminem', 'Drake'] # Sample list
for comment in comments:
    for artist in artists_list:
        if artist.lower() in comment.body.lower():
            print(comment.permalink() + ' - ' + artist)


/r/Music/comments/75lnoo/eminem_rips_donald_trump_in_bet_hip_hop_awards/do894hp - Eminem

只需 运行 我机器上的本地代码,我得到了很多 Eminem 的结果和 none Drake 的结果。我的猜测是因为这让我一开始就失望了,因为它花了一段时间才得到第一个结果之后的第二个结果。可能是您提前终止了程序,认为所有结果都已打印?


 import praw

 reddit = praw.Reddit(client_id = '',
                 client_secret= '',
                 user_agent= '',
                 username = '',
                 password = '')

submission = reddit.submission(id='75lnoo')
submission.comments.replace_more(limit=0)  # Stores all the comments
comments = submission.comments.list()
artists_list = ['Eminem', 'Drake'] # Sample list
for comment in comments:
for artist in artists_list:
    if artist.lower() in comment.body.lower():
        print(comment.permalink() + ' - ' + artist)