如何通过单击 Visual Studio 中的错误 ID 来访问我的错误跟踪器?

How to access my bug tracker by clicking a bug's ID in Visual Studio?

有没有办法配置 Visual Studio 以便在单击源代码注释中提到的错误时打开我的错误跟踪器?

TortoiseSVN provides this feature,并允许您指定一个带有要打开的错误 ID 占位符的错误跟踪器 URL。此外,上述错误的模式可以通过正则表达式进行配置。

我的google功夫不足以完成这个任务。我能得到的最接近的是 linkify Add-In。但是,它需要特定的前缀语法来识别错误编号,与 TortoiseSVN 方法相比,这显得过于复杂。

Visual Assist(商业版)具有 Source Links feature, which allows for regex patterns to be recognized in code comments and to open up an application or browser. Until mid 2017, Source Links was available as a standalone extension for free and is still available in the Visual Studio Gallery