
How to preserve text content in livecode

我需要保留 begin{text} 之前和 end{text} 之后的内容。如果我有两个名为 "Preserve" 和 "Restore" 的按钮。如果我单击“保留”按钮,begin{text} 上方和 end{text} 之后的整个文本将复制到某个 txt 文件。在我编辑后,如果我单击 "Restore" 按钮,则保留的整个文档将在同一个位置过去。可能吗? 我正在使用此编码进行替换

put the htmlText of field "MytextField" into myHtml
  set the caseSensitive to true
replace searchStr with  "<strike><font bgcolor=" & quote & "yellow" & quote & ">" & searchStr & "</font></strike><font bgcolor=" & quote & "green" & quote & ">" & replaceStr & "</font>" in myHtml
 set the htmlText of fld "MytextField" to myHtml

我在 begin{text} 之前和 end{text} 之后没有任何编辑。这样我就可以节省时间和准确性


put the htmlText of field "MytextField" into myHtml
put offset("begin{text}",myHtml) into startchar
put offset("end{text}",myHtml) into endchar
put char startchar to endchar of myHtml into text_to_preserve
put char 1 to (startchar - 1) into text_toEdit1
put char (endchar + 1) to -1 into text_toEdit2