在 Lisp 退出时执行代码

Execute Code On Lisp Exit

我写了一个 lisp,涉及设置变量,然后在循环内选择点。一旦我决定完成选择点,我希望能够将该变量恢复到我按下转义键时的原始状态。 例如

(defun c:df ()
(setq oom (getvar "osmode")) ;store current state

(setq type(getint "\nEnter Type: 1 For Horizontal, 2 For Vertical : "))

(setq startpt (getpoint "\nChoose Start Point : ")) 
(setq ptx (+ (nth 0 startpt)10))
(setq pty (+ (nth 1 startpt)10))

(setvar "osmode" 2); change state state


     (setq nextpt (getpoint "'Pick Mid: ")) ;make selection

     (if (null nextpt) ((princ "\nNull Value Error.") return))

     (if (= type 1) (command "dimlinear" startpt nextpt "H" (list 0 pty) )) 
     (if (= type 2) (command "dimlinear" startpt nextpt "V" ptx ))

     (setq ptx (+ 5 ptx))   
     (setq pty (+ 5 pty))

;do after escape key is pressed.

(setvar "osmode" oom) ;revert state back to original.

我找到了与 "User Input Errors" 有关的可能线索,但无法真正发挥作用。以我的轻描淡写,当按下转义时,lisp 只是退出并且没有完成执行。


AutoLISP 将取消视为错误。 因此,您可以通过错误处理来管理取消。 AutoLISP 提供了可以在本地重新定义的 *error* 函数。


  • 不要对变量使用 type 符号,它是内置 AutoLISP 函数的名称

  • 在本地声明变量(必须是 *error* 函数)

  • 使用 getkword and initget 让用户选择一个选项。

    (defun c:df (/ *error* oom option startpt ptx pty nextpt) ; local variables
      ;; *error* local redefinition
      (defun *error* (msg)
        (if (/= msg "Function cancelled")
          (princ (strcat "\nError: " msg))
        (if oom
          (setvar "osmode" oom)
      (setq oom (getvar "osmode"))          ;store current state
      (initget 1 "Horizontal Vertical")
      (setq option (getkword "\nChoose an option [Horizontal/Vertical]: "))
      (if (setq startpt (getpoint "\nChoose Start Point : "))
          (setq ptx (+ (car startpt) 10))
          (setq pty (+ (cadr startpt) 10))
          (setvar "osmode" 2)               ; change state state
          (while (setq nextpt (getpoint "'Pick Mid: ")) ;make selection
             (if (= option "Horizontal")
               (command "_dimlinear" startpt nextpt "H" (list 0 pty))
               (command "_dimlinear" startpt nextpt "V" (list ptx 0))
             (setq ptx (+ 5 ptx))
             (setq pty (+ 5 pty))
          (setvar "osmode" oom)             ;revert state back to original.