如何在 VB 6.0 中读取逗号分隔的文本值并将其写入文件

How to read and write comma delimited text values to file in VB 6.0



我想在 VB 6.0 中创建一个程序来打开该文件,读取值并将它们存储在变量中,这些变量显示在文本框中,如下所示(示例):

Name: [ Value -1 ]
Nationality: [ Value 0 ]
Experience: [ Value 3 ]


因此,当我在程序文本框中偶然发现这些值并点击保存文件时 - 它会使用新值保存文件。就这么简单吗。谢谢你们!



Dim rawData as string

Dim sFileText as String
Dim FileNo as Integer
FileNo = FreeFile
Open "C:\test.txt" For Input As #FileNo 'you should change the file path
Line Input #FileNo, sFileText 'read the whole line
rawData = sFileText 'store the first line of the text file in 'rawData'
Close #FileNo


Dim data() as string 'an array that will hold each value
data = Split(rawData, ",") 'split 'rawData' with a comma as delimiter

现在第一个值存储在 data(0) 中,第二个值存储在 data(1) 中,依此类推

就 'save file' 按钮而言,您可以执行以下操作:

Dim newData as String
newData = data(0) & "," & data(1) & "," & data(2) 'etc.

然后write it to a file


Write #filenumer Value1, Value2, Value3...

然后您可以使用 Input # 一次获取一个值或 Line Input 一次获取所有值。