已达到 Cassandra 的最大内存使用量 Maximum memory usage reached Cassandra

我有一个 5 节点的 Cassandra 集群,每个节点上有大约 650 GB 的数据,涉及复制因子 3。我最近开始在 /var/log/cassandra/system.log.[=13 中看到以下错误=]

INFO [ReadStage-5] 2017-10-17 17:06:07,887 - 已达到最大内存使用量 (1.000GiB),无法分配 1.000MiB 的块

我曾尝试增加 file_cache_size_in_mb,但迟早会出现同样的错误。我曾尝试将此参数设置为 2GB,但无济于事。

当错误发生时,CPU 利用率飙升,读取延迟非常不稳定。我看到这种激增大约每 1/2 小时出现一次。请注意下面列表中的时间。

INFO [ReadStage-5] 2017-10-17 17:06:07,887 - 已达到最大内存使用量 (1.000GiB),无法分配 1.000MiB 的块 INFO [ReadStage-36] 2017-10-17 17:36:09,807 - 达到最大内存使用量 (1.000GiB),无法分配 1.000MiB 的块 INFO [ReadStage-15] 2017-10-17 18:05:56,003 - 已达到最大内存使用量 (2.000GiB),无法分配 1.000MiB 的块 INFO [ReadStage-28] 2017-10-17 18:36:01,177 - 达到最大内存使用量 (2.000GiB),无法分配 1.000MiB


我有两个table是按小时分区的,而且分区很大。前任。这是他们来自 nodetool table stats

    Read Count: 4693453
    Read Latency: 0.36752741680805157 ms.
    Write Count: 561026
    Write Latency: 0.03742310516803143 ms.
    Pending Flushes: 0
        Table: raw_data
        SSTable count: 55
        Space used (live): 594395754275
        Space used (total): 594395754275
        Space used by snapshots (total): 0
        Off heap memory used (total): 360753372
        SSTable Compression Ratio: 0.20022598072758296
        Number of keys (estimate): 45163
        Memtable cell count: 90441
        Memtable data size: 685647925
        Memtable off heap memory used: 0
        Memtable switch count: 1
        Local read count: 0
        Local read latency: NaN ms
        Local write count: 126710
        Local write latency: 0.096 ms
        Pending flushes: 0
        Percent repaired: 52.99
        Bloom filter false positives: 167775
        Bloom filter false ratio: 0.16152
        Bloom filter space used: 264448
        Bloom filter off heap memory used: 264008
        Index summary off heap memory used: 31060
        Compression metadata off heap memory used: 360458304
        Compacted partition minimum bytes: 51
        **Compacted partition maximum bytes: 3449259151**
        Compacted partition mean bytes: 16642499
        Average live cells per slice (last five minutes): 1.0005435888450147
        Maximum live cells per slice (last five minutes): 42
        Average tombstones per slice (last five minutes): 1.0
        Maximum tombstones per slice (last five minutes): 1
        Dropped Mutations: 0

    Read Count: 4712814
    Read Latency: 0.3356051004771247 ms.
    Write Count: 643718
    Write Latency: 0.04168356951335834 ms.
    Pending Flushes: 0
        Table: customer_profile_history
        SSTable count: 20
        Space used (live): 9423364484
        Space used (total): 9423364484
        Space used by snapshots (total): 0
        Off heap memory used (total): 6560008
        SSTable Compression Ratio: 0.1744084338623116
        Number of keys (estimate): 69
        Memtable cell count: 35242
        Memtable data size: 789595302
        Memtable off heap memory used: 0
        Memtable switch count: 1
        Local read count: 2307
        Local read latency: NaN ms
        Local write count: 51772
        Local write latency: 0.076 ms
        Pending flushes: 0
        Percent repaired: 0.0
        Bloom filter false positives: 0
        Bloom filter false ratio: 0.00000
        Bloom filter space used: 384
        Bloom filter off heap memory used: 224
        Index summary off heap memory used: 400
        Compression metadata off heap memory used: 6559384
        Compacted partition minimum bytes: 20502
        **Compacted partition maximum bytes: 4139110981**
        Compacted partition mean bytes: 708736810
        Average live cells per slice (last five minutes): NaN
        Maximum live cells per slice (last five minutes): 0
        Average tombstones per slice (last five minutes): NaN
        Maximum tombstones per slice (last five minutes): 0
        Dropped Mutations: 0


cdsdb/raw_data histograms
Percentile  SSTables     Write Latency      Read Latency    Partition Size        Cell Count
                              (micros)          (micros)           (bytes)                  
50%             0.00             61.21              0.00           1955666               642
75%             1.00             73.46              0.00          17436917              4768
95%             3.00            105.78              0.00         107964792             24601
98%             8.00            219.34              0.00         186563160             42510
99%            12.00            315.85              0.00         268650950             61214
Min             0.00              6.87              0.00                51                 0
Max            14.00           1358.10              0.00        3449259151           7007506

cdsdb/customer_profile_history histograms
Percentile  SSTables     Write Latency      Read Latency    Partition Size        Cell Count
                              (micros)          (micros)           (bytes)                  
50%             0.00             73.46              0.00         223875792             61214
75%             0.00             88.15              0.00         668489532            182785
95%             0.00            152.32              0.00        1996099046            654949
98%             0.00            785.94              0.00        3449259151           1358102
99%             0.00            943.13              0.00        3449259151           1358102
Min             0.00             24.60              0.00              5723                 4
Max             0.00           5839.59              0.00        5960319812           1955666


根据发布的 cfhistograms 输出,分区很大。

95% percentile of raw_data table has partition size of 107MB and max of 3.44GB. 95% percentile of customer_profile_history has partition size of 1.99GB and max of 5.96GB.

这显然与您每半小时注意到的问题有关,因为这些巨大的分区被写入 sstable。数据模型必须根据分区大小进行更改,最好将分区间隔设置为 "minute" 而不是 "hour"。所以一个 2GB 的分区会减少到 33MB 的分区。

建议的分区大小最大为接近 100MB。虽然理论上我们可以存储超过 100MB,但性能会受到影响。请记住,该分区的每次读取都是通过网络传输超过 100MB 的数据。在您的情况下,它超过 2GB,因此所有性能影响都随之而来。