在 C 预处理器中为自己定义一些东西

Defining something to itself in C preprocessor


#define bool  bool
#define false false
#define true  true

我不认为我需要说的比 "wtf?" 多,但要清楚一点:为自己定义某物有什么意义?

台词来自clang stdbool.h

C 和 C++ 标准明确允许(并要求没有无限扩展)


#define puts(X) (nblines++,puts(X))


您的定义可能会有用,例如对于后来的结构,如 #ifdef true,它不能是一个简单的 #define true,因为那会 "erase" 每次进一步使用 true , 所以它必须正好是 #define true true.


#if defined(bool)

它基本上使您不必用另一个名称(如 HAVE_BOOL)污染全局命名空间,前提是该实现让其用户知道 iff​​ 它提供一个 bool,它还将提供一个扩展到它的同名宏(或者实现可以简单地在内部使用它作为它自己的预处理器条件)。



A self-referential macro is one whose name appears in its definition. Recall that all macro definitions are rescanned for more macros to replace. If the self-reference were considered a use of the macro, it would produce an infinitely large expansion. To prevent this, the self-reference is not considered a macro call. It is passed into the preprocessor output unchanged.


One common, useful use of self-reference is to create a macro which expands to itself. If you write


then the macro EPERM expands to EPERM. Effectively, it is left alone by the preprocessor whenever it’s used in running text. You can tell that it’s a macro with ‘#ifdef’. You might do this if you want to define numeric constants with an enum, but have ‘#ifdef’ be true for each constant.