Fitnesse JSON 期望语法

Fitnesse JSON expectation syntax

参考workflow of creating tests using RestFixture,我在问自己,下面的语句代表什么样的语法: === 'Ted'

我需要知道这种语法的所有可能性,才能写下更复杂的 JSON 响应的预期值。 此处使用的语法类型是否有名称或参考?

语法是Javascript语法。 jsonbody 是包含响应的变量。

有关详细信息,请参阅 JavascriptExpectations in RestFixtureLiveDoc。例如:

As of RestFixture Version 2, a javascript engine is embedded to allow expectations in Javascript on response body contents in JSON format.

!**** XPaths and JSON
For backward compatibility XPath expressions are maintained and executed

After a successful response is received with content type "application/json" the expectation cell in a .RestFixture row is interpreted as a string with Javascript and executed within the context of the response body.


| Table: Rest Fixture |http://${jettyHost}:${jettyPort}|
|GET    | /resources/%id%.json | 200 |Content-Type : application/json |!-"test post" &&"some data"