修改 swift 中 SCDynamicStore.h 的 Headers

Modify Headers of SCDynamicStore.h in swift

我正在尝试检测 iOS 中的热点状态。为此,我需要使用 SystemConfiguration API,如下所示

let sc = SCDynamicStoreCreate(nil, "com.apple.wirelessmodemsettings.MISManager" as CFString, nil, nil)
let info = SCDynamicStoreCopyValue(sc, "com.apple.MobileInternetSharing" as CFString)

但是 SCDynamicStoreCreateSCDynamicStoreCopyValue 不适用于 iOS。我需要修改 SCDynamicStore.h 文件并使这些功能可用于 iOS(它们目前标记为仅可用于 Mac)。

此 link 提到了一种通过创建副本 header.. SCDynamicStoreCreate is unavailable: not available on iOS 来实现此目的的方法。但是这种方法在 swift.


如何在 swift 中实现?




    import SystemConfiguration

    // Define types for each of the calls of interest
    typealias TSCDynamicStoreCreate = @convention (c) (_ allocator: CFAllocator?, _ name: CFString, _ callout: SystemConfiguration.SCDynamicStoreCallBack?, _ context: UnsafeMutablePointer<SCDynamicStoreContext>?) -> SCDynamicStore?
    typealias TSCDynamicStoreCopyValue = @convention (c) (_ store: SCDynamicStore?, _ key: CFString) -> CoreFoundation.CFPropertyList?

    // Get a handle to the library, the flag `RT_NOLOAD` will limit this
    // to already loaded libraries
    let hLibrary = dlopen("/System/Library/Frameworks/SystemConfiguration.framework/SystemConfiguration", RTLD_NOLOAD);

    // Load addresses of the functions from the library
    let MySCDynamicStoreCreate = unsafeBitCast(dlsym(hLibrary, "SCDynamicStoreCreate"), to: TSCDynamicStoreCreate.self)
    let MySCDynamicStoreCopyValue = unsafeBitCast(dlsym(hLibrary, "SCDynamicStoreCopyValue"), to: TSCDynamicStoreCopyValue.self)

    // Setup constants
    let name = "com.apple.wirelessmodemsettings.MISManager" as CFString
    let key = "com.apple.MobileInternetSharing" as CFString

    // Call the functions through the looked up addresses
    let dynamicStore = MySCDynamicStoreCreate(nil, name, nil, nil)
    let plist = MySCDynamicStoreCopyValue(dynamicStore, key)