在 Woocommerce 支付方式标题上添加图片

Add an image on Woocommerce payment method title

在 Woocommerce 中,我计划在银行名称插件 BACS 之前添加图像。现在我已经输入了银行名称和其他设置,并且已经尝试在银行名称之前输入 HTML 但它不起作用。


But in Woocommerce this icon is located after the title. To change it before the title you should need to edit the related template checkout/payment-method.php at line 27 from this:

      <?php echo $gateway->get_title(); ?> <?php echo $gateway->get_icon(); ?>

to this:

      <?php echo $gateway->get_icon(); ?> <?php echo $gateway->get_title(); ?>

and save … Please see: How to Override WooCommerce Templates via a Theme

例如,您需要将图片上传到主题的文件夹中,例如 "assets"。

对于每个网关,您可以启用自定义图像,或 return 默认图像,使用挂钩在 woocommerce_gateway_icon 操作挂钩中的自定义函数:

add_filter( 'woocommerce_gateway_icon', 'custom_payment_gateway_icons', 10, 2 );
function custom_payment_gateway_icons( $icon, $gateway_id ){

    foreach( WC()->payment_gateways->get_available_payment_gateways() as $gateway )
        if( $gateway->id == $gateway_id ){
            $title = $gateway->get_title();

    // The path (subfolder name(s) in the active theme)
    $path = get_stylesheet_directory_uri(). '/assets';

    // Setting (or not) a custom icon to the payment IDs
    if($gateway_id == 'bacs')
        $icon = '<img src="' . WC_HTTPS::force_https_url( "$path/bacs.png" ) . '" alt="' . esc_attr( $title ) . '" />';
    elseif( $gateway_id == 'cheque' )
        $icon = '<img src="' . WC_HTTPS::force_https_url( "$path/cheque.png" ) . '" alt="' . esc_attr( $title ) . '" />';
    elseif( $gateway_id == 'cod' )
        $icon = '<img src="' . WC_HTTPS::force_https_url( "$path/cod.png" ) . '" alt="' . esc_attr( $title ) . '" />';
    elseif( $gateway_id == 'ppec_paypal' || 'paypal' )
        return $icon;

    return $icon;

代码进入您的活动子主题(或主题)的 function.php 文件或任何插件文件。

在 WooCommerce 3 上测试并有效。

How to get the gateway ID:
Go on WC Settings > Checkout (end of the page) listed in the Gateway ID column