如何使用 Spin 从命令行检查 Promela 代码

How to use Spin to check Promela code from the command line

我正在寻找如何在 Windows 10 命令行上使用 Spin 分析 train.pml 的输出。


先决条件: 在 Windows 10 上获得带有 gcc 的工作环境(例如 参见these instructions) or, alternatively, get a virtual environment with some GNU/Linux distribution. Also, correctly install Spin在目标系统中。


  • 选项A.:

    ~$ spin -a train.pml
    ~$ gcc pan.c -o verifier
    ~$ ./verifier -a -N c1
    ~$ ./verifier -a -N c8
  • 选项B.:

    ~$ spin -search -ltl c1 train.pml
    ~$ spin -search -ltl c8 train.pml

目前,属性 c1, c5, c7, c8 在您的模型上 已验证,而 c2, c3, c4, c6 未验证.还有一些关于 未达到的最终状态 的抱怨。请检查后一种情况是否不违反您系统的规范(这可能是问题也可能不是问题),并且验证结果是否符合您的预期。

作为参考,这是您在验证 属性 c1:

时应该获得的 正确输出 的示例
~$ spin -search -a -ltl c1 trail.pml
pan: ltl formula c1

(Spin Version 6.4.6 -- 2 December 2016)
    + Partial Order Reduction

Full statespace search for:
    never claim             + (c1)
    assertion violations    + (if within scope of claim)
    acceptance   cycles     + (fairness disabled)
    invalid end states  - (disabled by never claim)

State-vector 152 byte, depth reached 4508, errors: 0
    67919 states, stored (97586 visited)
   170919 states, matched
   268505 transitions (= visited+matched)
        0 atomic steps
hash conflicts:       184 (resolved)

Stats on memory usage (in Megabytes):
   11.659   equivalent memory usage for states (stored*(State-vector + overhead))
    5.455   actual memory usage for states (compression: 46.78%)
            state-vector as stored = 56 byte + 28 byte overhead
  128.000   memory used for hash table (-w24)
    0.534   memory used for DFS stack (-m10000)
  133.905   total actual memory usage

unreached in proctype train
    trail.pml:31, state 14, "-end-"
    (1 of 14 states)
unreached in proctype gate
    trail.pml:52, state 17, "-end-"
    (1 of 17 states)
unreached in proctype queue
    trail.pml:74, state 17, "-end-"
    (1 of 17 states)
unreached in claim c1
    _spin_nvr.tmp:10, state 13, "-end-"
    (1 of 13 states)

pan: elapsed time 0.12 seconds
pan: rate 813216.67 states/second