akka 序列化异常在远程参与者之间发送灵活的 table 查询

akka serialization exception sending slick table query across remote actors

正在尝试将 table 查询对象从本地 actor 发送到远程 actor, 但是akka给出了序列化异常

Remote Actor 看起来像这样,我在这里使用主动光滑模式

object RemoteActor {
  case class Entry[M, I: BaseColumnType, T <: IdTable[M, I]](tableWithIdQuery: TableWithIdQuery[M, I, T], model: M)

class RemoteActor extends Actor with ActorLogging {

import RemoteActor._

lazy val db = Database.forURL(
  url = "jdbc:mysql://localhost/demo",
  driver = "com.mysql.jdbc.Driver",
  user= "root",
  password= "root")

override def receive = {
  case Entry(table, model) =>
      //I will wrap this code in a Future and use akka.pattern.pipe
      // thus avoiding deafening the actor
      //avoided wrapping in future just to avoid clutter
      db.withSession { implicit sx =>
    log.info("done saving to database")
  case msg => log.info(s"unknown message of type ${msg.getClass}")

本地演员看起来像这样。 Local Actor 构建 TableWithIdQuery 并将其传递给上面提到的 Remote Actor。

class LocalActor extends Actor with ActorLogging {

import LocalActor._

var remoteActor: Option[ActorSelection] = None

override def preStart(): Unit = {
  remoteActor =   Some(context.actorSelection("akka.tcp://ActorSystem@"))
  remoteActor.getOrElse {
    println(" unreachable, shutting down :(")

override def receive = {
  case Send =>
    case class User(name: String, id: Option[Long] = None)

    class Users(tag: Tag) extends IdTable[User, Long](tag, "users") {
      def name = column[String]("name")
      def id = column[Long]("id", O.PrimaryKey, O.AutoInc)
      def * = (name, id.?) <> (User.tupled, User.unapply)

    val users = new TableWithIdQuery[User, Long, Users](tag => new Users(tag)) {
      override def extractId(model: User): Option[Long] = model.id
      override def withId(model: User, id: Long): User = model.copy(id = Some(id))

    import remote.RemoteActor._

    remoteActor.map(remote => remote ! Entry[User, Long, Users](users,   User("pamu nagarjuna")))
    log.info("message sent :)")

    case msg => log.info(s"unknown message of type ${msg.getClass}")

假设像 Query 这样的东西是可序列化的是不安全的。您真的应该 运行 在本地上下文中查询,将结果映射到一组可序列化类型(例如不可变集合,大小写 类),然后发送。