google 地点 api 消耗了 10 个请求,但我只做了 1 个

google places api consumes 10 request but I am doing only 1

我正在向 R 中的 Google Places Api 发出请求,我只在执行下一个请求:


latlon<-c(40.395536 ,-3.709588)
result<-google_places(search_string =  "Hospital",
                        location = latlon,
                        key = APIkey,
                        keyword = "Hospital",
                        language = "es")

这是 1 个请求,但是当我查看 Google Places 控制台时,它消耗了 10 个请求。为什么?有什么问题?


Note: The Text Search service is subject to a 10-times multiplier. That is, each Text Search request that you make will count as 10 requests against your quota. If you've purchased the Google Places API Web Service as part of your Google Maps APIs Premium Plan contract, the multiplier may be different.
