文件名包含连字符的 RazorPages 会导致 IntelliSense 中断

RazorPages with filenames that include a hyphen cause IntelliSense to break

将 RazorPages 与包含连字符的文件名一起使用时,会导致 Visual Studio 的工具在有效代码上显示红色波浪线。


"The name ViewData does not exist in the current context"
"The name TempData does not exist in the current context"
"The name Model does not exist in the current context"

例如,我的名为 Contact-Us.cshtml(带有连字符)的 RazorPage 将出错

然而,我的页面 ContactUs.cshtml(没有连字符)就可以了。


我发现 GitHub 上报告的问题。 https://github.com/aspnet/Mvc/issues/6296

This is a known bug and will be resolved with the release of Visual Studio 15.5