列表结构 - 检查子列表

List structure - checking for sublist

由于我是 C 编程的新手,我将发布完整的(不是长代码)。我得到的任务是在列表中插入一个元素,同时列表保持有序,打印它,然后检查一个列表是否是另一个列表的子列表。 虽然我的 insertprint 方法有效,但我收到了一堆警告: 警告:从不兼容的指针类型传递 'Insert' 的参数 1 [默认启用]|。如何修复我的代码以删除这些警告?

另外,从逻辑上讲,我认为 Contains 方法是可以的,为什么它不起作用?它在比较两个单个元素列表时确实有效。


#include <stdio.h>
#include "stdlib.h"

typedef struct Book{
    int id;
    char name[50];
    float earnings;
} Book;

struct Node{
    struct Book data;
    struct Node* next;

void Insert(struct Node** list, struct Book k)
    struct Node* previous;
    struct Node* current;
    struct Node* newNode;

    newNode=(struct Node*)malloc(sizeof(struct Node));

    newNode->data = k;
    newNode->next = NULL;

        *list = newNode;
        current = *list;
        previous = NULL;

        while((current!=NULL) && current->data.earnings<k.earnings){
            previous = current;
            current = current->next;
        if(current == NULL)
            previous->next = newNode;
            if(previous == NULL)
                newNode->next = (*list);
                *list = newNode;
                previous->next = newNode;
                newNode->next = current;

void Print(struct Node** list){
       printf("List is empty.");
    printf("\nList looks like this:\n");
        *list = (*list)->next;

int Contains(struct Node** l1, struct Node** l2){
            if((*l1)->data.id==(*l2)->data.id && (*l1)->data.name==(*l2)->data.name)
                return 1;

            *l1 = (*l1)->next;
        *l2 = (*l2)->next;
    return 0;

int main()
    struct Book book = {5,"War and peace",100.50};
    struct Node** n = NULL;
    struct Book book1 = {6,"Anna Karenina",20.5};
    struct Book book2 = {7,"Master and Margarita", 150.60};
    struct Node** n1 = NULL;
    struct Book book3 = {6,"Anna Karenina",20.5};


    printf("\nDoes list2 contains list1? YES - 1, NO - 0 : %d",Contains(&n1,&n));

    return 0;

struct Node** n = NULL; 替换为 struct Node* n = NULL; 并对 n1


您目前正在做的事情实际上通过了 struct Node*** list,这就是您收到警告的原因

对于 Contains 的问题,首先比较字符串使用 strcmp 你所做的只是检查指针, 在 l1 上的第一个循环之后的第二个你最终得到 l1==NULL 所以它不会在第一次

之后进入 while
int Contains(struct Node** l1, struct Node** l2)
    struct Node* tmp;

    while ((*l2) != NULL)
        tmp = *l1;
        while (tmp != NULL)
            if(tmp->data.id==(*l2)->data.id &&
                strcmp(tmp->data.name, (*l2)->data.name) == 0)
                return 1;

            tmp = tmp->next;
        *l2 = (*l2)->next;
    return 0;

您将 n 的地址传递给 Insertn 是指向节点指针的指针,struct Node **,所以 &n 是指向节点指针的指针,struct Node ***.

解决方案是使 nn1 指向节点的指针:

struct Node* n = NULL;

Insert(&n, book);

插入代码的逻辑是n是一个链表的头部。当 nNULL 时,列表为空。插入节点时,必须能够更新头指针,以便mainn的值发生变化。一种方法是将指针传递给头部并通过取消引用指针更新它。

您的 ContainsPrint 函数不会更改列表,因此将指针传递给节点就足够了。这也将使您的代码看起来更简单,因为您不需要到处都使用 (*p) 语法。

contains 函数有两个错误:首先,不能将 C 字符串与 == 进行比较。 C 字符串是 char 数组;如果你想比较它们,你必须比较它们的内容。 <strings.h> 中的标准函数 strcmp 执行此操作。



这是 Contains

int Contains(struct Node *l1, struct Node *l2)
    while (l2 != NULL) {
        struct Node *p = l1;

        while (p != NULL) {
            if (p->data.id == l2->data.id 
            && strcmp(p->data.name, l2->data.name) == 0)
                return 1;

            p = p->next;

        l2 = l2->next;

    return 0;


int c = Contains(n1, n);

请学习以下内容。主要思想是我们更好地利用函数,而不是将指针到指针的引用传递给列表;我们的 Insert 函数 returns 新列表。我们还利用了递归。

#include <stdio.h>
#include "stdlib.h"

typedef struct Book {
    int id;
    char name[50];
    float earnings;
} Book;

typedef struct Node{
    Book data;
    struct Node* next;
} Node, *List;

#define Empty ((List) NULL)

List NewNode(struct Book data, List next)
    List newNode = (Node *) malloc(sizeof *newNode);
    newNode->data = data;
    newNode->next = next;
    return newNode;

List Insert(List list, struct Book book)
    if (list == Empty) {
        return NewNode(book, Empty);
    } else if (list->data.earnings < book.earnings) {
        return NewNode(book, list);
    } else {
        /* Rewrite the rest of the list by inserting into it,
           then patch the front node to point to the rewritten list. */
        List subList = Insert(list->next, book);
        list->next = subList;
        return list;

void PrintOne(List list)
    printf("%d\n", list->data.id);
    printf("%s\n", list->data.name);
    printf("%f\n" ,list->data.earnings);

void Print(List list)
    if (list == Empty) {
       puts("List is empty.");
    } else {
        puts("List looks like this:");
        for (; list != Empty; list = list->next)

int IsTailOf(List leftList, List rightList)
    if (leftList == rightList)
        return 1; /* Every list is its own tail */
    else if (rightList == Empty)
        return 1; /* The empty list is the tail of all lists, incl. itself */
    else if (leftList == Empty)
        return 0; /* Nonempty right cannot be tail of empty left */
        return IsTailOf(leftList->next, rightList); /* Tail of my rest is my tail */

int main()
    Book book0 = {5,"War and peace",100.50};
    Book book1 = {6,"Anna Karenina",20.5};
    Book book2 = {7,"Master and Margarita", 150.60};
    Book book3 = {6,"Anna Karenina",20.5};

    List n0, n1, n2;

    List list = Empty;

    n0 = list = Insert(list, book0);
    list = Insert(list, book1);
    n1 = list = Insert(list, book2);
    n1 = list = Insert(list, book3);

    printf("List pointers: list == %p, n0 == %p, n1 == %p, n2 == %p\n",
           (void *) list, (void *) n0, (void *) n1, (void *) n2);

    printf("Does list contain n0? YES - 1, NO - 0 : %d\n",
           IsTailOf(list, n0));

    printf("Does n1 contain list? YES - 1, NO - 0 : %d\n",
           IsTailOf(n1, list));

    printf("Does n0 contain list? YES - 1, NO - 0 : %d\n",
           IsTailOf(n0, list));

    return 0;

子列表函数 IsTailOf 严格使用节点指针,基于对 "sublist" 含义的可能解释。它检测右列表在物理上是否是左列表的一部分(或整个列表)。


#include <string.h> /* for strcmp */

int EqualBooks(Book left, Book right)
    return left.id == right.id && strcmp(left.name, right.name) == 0;

int EqualLists(List left, List right)
    /* Different style here from IsTailOf, just for variety:
       no "if else", just "if and return" */

    if (left == right)
        return 1; /* They are the same object! */

    if (left == Empty || right == Empty)
        return 0; /* Empty is not equal to nonempty */

    if (!EqualBooks(left->data, right->data))
        return 0; /* Equal lists must be equal in the first item */

    /* Equal lists must have equal remainders, not only first items */
    return EqualLists(left->next, right->next);

一个简单实现的子列表测试(我们称之为 "suffix" 测试)看起来像:

int IsSuffixOf(List left, List right)
    if (EqualLists(left, right))
        return 1; /* a full match implies suffix relationship */

    if (left == Empty)
        return 0; /* Nonempty cannot be a suffix of empty */

    return IsSuffixOf(left->next, right);

平凡的尾递归很容易变成迭代。让我们以 IsSuffixOf 为例。首先,通过对 leftright 变量的赋值重新替换尾部调用,并向后添加 goto:

int IsSuffixOf(List left, List right)
    if (EqualLists(left, right))
        return 1; /* a full match implies suffix relationship */

    if (left == Empty)
        return 0; /* Nonempty cannot be a suffix of empty */

    left = left->next;
    goto tail;

现在是迭代;我们只是通过重写 for 循环来消除 goto

int IsSuffixOf(List left, List right)
    for (;; left = left->next) {
        if (EqualLists(left, right))
            return 1; /* a full match implies suffix relationship */

        if (left == Empty)
            return 0; /* Nonempty cannot be a suffix of empty */