关于将 VHD/VHDX(虚拟磁盘)文件存储到 OneDrive

About Storing VHD/VHDX (Virtual Disk) Files into OneDrive


我在想。如果我将 VHDX 文件存储到 onedrive 中,当更新磁盘时,Onedrive 将更新部分文件或重新上传整个文件。

我知道部分 Dropbox 更新文件,但我不知道 OneDrive。



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Here is OneDrive Support's Answer

OneDrive 支持的回答

Currently this feature is not available.

Thanks for your suggestion to improve OneDrive. We’ll add it to the list of ideas we’re considering. If you have a minute, please take a look at the OneDrive UserVoice and vote for your other favorite ideas: http://onedrive.uservoice.com/forums/262982-onedrive

Thanks for using OneDrive, and helping to make it better!


Differential sync for all file types

Roadmap ID: 33412

Differential sync brings the ability to sync only the parts of large files that have changed, not the entire file. This makes the file synchronization process faster for these files. It also reduces the time taken to upload and download a file as well as consumed bandwidth. This month we are rolling out the ability to leverage differential sync to all file types - JPEG, PDF,MOV,MP4 etc., stored in OneDrive and SharePoint. Differential sync is already available for Office file types.