Output: File Not Available if it doesn't match the pattern
$course = htmlspecialchars($_GET["course"]);
$db = odbc_connect('#');
// Course Heading
$courseheading = "SELECT *
FROM tbsessions, tbcourses, tbpresentations
WHERE (tbsessions.courseId = tbcourses.courseId)
AND (tbpresentations.courseSessionId = tbsessions.courseSessionId)
AND (tbsessions.courseSessionID = '$course')
AND (tbsessions.category NOT IN ('M','S'))
ORDER BY startDate DESC, courseTitle";
$courseRS = odbc_exec($db, $courseheading);
$courseTitle = odbc_result($courseRS, "courseTitle");
$subtitle = odbc_result($courseRS, "subtitle");
echo '<div class="title">
// Presentation Information
$query = "SELECT *
FROM tbspeakers s join tbpresentations p on
s.spkrId = p.spkrId
join tbsessions ss on
p.courseSessionid = ss.courseSessionId
join tbcourses c on
ss.courseId = c.courseId
WHERE (ss.courseSessionID = '$course')
ORDER BY pTitle";
$result = odbc_exec($db, $query);
// Generate presentation and speaker information
$courseTitle = odbc_result($result, "courseTitle");
$subtitle = odbc_result($result, "subtitle");
$pTitle = odbc_result($result, "pTitle");
$fname = odbc_result($result, "fname");
$lname = odbc_result($result, "lname");
$degree = odbc_result($result, "degree");
$pSDateTime = odbc_result($result, "pSDateTime");
echo '<p><strong>'.$pTitle. '</strong> - ' . $fname . ' ' . $lname . ', ' . $degree . '</p>';
$courseTitle = explode(" ", $courseTitle);
$course = "";
$courseTitle = preg_replace('/\(|\)/', '', $courseTitle);
foreach ($courseTitle as $value) {
$course .= substr($value, 0, 2);
$pSDateTime = str_replace('-', '', $pSDateTime);
$pSDateTime = str_replace(':', '', $pSDateTime);
$pSDateTime = str_replace(' ', '_', $pSDateTime);
$pSDateTime = substr($pSDateTime, 0, -2);
$presentation = strToLower($course). '_' .$pSDateTime;
// Generate presentation download link
$dir = '../assets/training/archive';
$files = scandir($dir);
$imgarray = array();
foreach($files as $file) {
if(fnmatch($presentation.'.*',$file)) {
$imgarray[] = $file;
foreach($imgarray as $download) {
if(isset($download)) {
echo '<p><a href="/assets/training/archive/'.$download.'">Download</a></p> <br><br>';
else {
echo 'File Not Available';
我试图只抓取与演示文稿相匹配的文件。不应考虑所有其他文件,这样如果找不到匹配项,它将显示 "File Not Available".
$dir = "../assets/training/archive";
$files = scandir($dir);
$imgarray = array();
$presentation = '*.php'; // ENTER ANY FILENAME OR PATTERN HERE.
foreach($files as $file)
$imgarray[] = $file;
if ( count( $imgarray ) == 0 ) // NO MATCHES.
echo 'No files available';
else foreach($imgarray as $download)
echo '<p><a href="/assets/training/archive/'.$download.'">Download</a></p> <br><br>';
在这里,如果当前文件与模式匹配并且在过滤数组中或不在,我首先使用 glob()
which already exclude .
and ..
. Then I filter all files out which doesn't match the pattern with array_filter()
. At the end I simply loop through all files and I check with in_array()
$dir = "../assets/training/archive";
$files = glob("$dir/*.*");
$filteredFiles = array_filter($files, function($v)use($presentation){
return fnmatch($presentation.'.*', $v);
foreach($files as $file) {
if(in_array($file, $filteredFiles))
echo "<p><a href='/assets/training/archive/'". $file . "'>Download</a></p><br><br>";
echo "File Not Available";
$course = htmlspecialchars($_GET["course"]);
$db = odbc_connect('#');
// Course Heading
$courseheading = "SELECT *
FROM tbsessions, tbcourses, tbpresentations
WHERE (tbsessions.courseId = tbcourses.courseId)
AND (tbpresentations.courseSessionId = tbsessions.courseSessionId)
AND (tbsessions.courseSessionID = '$course')
AND (tbsessions.category NOT IN ('M','S'))
ORDER BY startDate DESC, courseTitle";
$courseRS = odbc_exec($db, $courseheading);
$courseTitle = odbc_result($courseRS, "courseTitle");
$subtitle = odbc_result($courseRS, "subtitle");
echo '<div class="title">
// Presentation Information
$query = "SELECT *
FROM tbspeakers s join tbpresentations p on
s.spkrId = p.spkrId
join tbsessions ss on
p.courseSessionid = ss.courseSessionId
join tbcourses c on
ss.courseId = c.courseId
WHERE (ss.courseSessionID = '$course')
ORDER BY pTitle";
$result = odbc_exec($db, $query);
// Generate presentation and speaker information
$courseTitle = odbc_result($result, "courseTitle");
$subtitle = odbc_result($result, "subtitle");
$pTitle = odbc_result($result, "pTitle");
$fname = odbc_result($result, "fname");
$lname = odbc_result($result, "lname");
$degree = odbc_result($result, "degree");
$pSDateTime = odbc_result($result, "pSDateTime");
echo '<p><strong>'.$pTitle. '</strong> - ' . $fname . ' ' . $lname . ', ' . $degree . '</p>';
$courseTitle = explode(" ", $courseTitle);
$course = "";
$courseTitle = preg_replace('/\(|\)/', '', $courseTitle);
foreach ($courseTitle as $value) {
$course .= substr($value, 0, 2);
$pSDateTime = str_replace('-', '', $pSDateTime);
$pSDateTime = str_replace(':', '', $pSDateTime);
$pSDateTime = str_replace(' ', '_', $pSDateTime);
$pSDateTime = substr($pSDateTime, 0, -2);
$presentation = strToLower($course). '_' .$pSDateTime;
// Generate presentation download link
$dir = '../assets/training/archive';
$files = scandir($dir);
$imgarray = array();
foreach($files as $file) {
if(fnmatch($presentation.'.*',$file)) {
$imgarray[] = $file;
foreach($imgarray as $download) {
if(isset($download)) {
echo '<p><a href="/assets/training/archive/'.$download.'">Download</a></p> <br><br>';
else {
echo 'File Not Available';
任务: 我试图只抓取与演示文稿相匹配的文件。不应考虑所有其他文件,这样如果找不到匹配项,它将显示 "File Not Available".
$dir = "../assets/training/archive";
$files = scandir($dir);
$imgarray = array();
$presentation = '*.php'; // ENTER ANY FILENAME OR PATTERN HERE.
foreach($files as $file)
$imgarray[] = $file;
if ( count( $imgarray ) == 0 ) // NO MATCHES.
echo 'No files available';
else foreach($imgarray as $download)
echo '<p><a href="/assets/training/archive/'.$download.'">Download</a></p> <br><br>';
在这里,如果当前文件与模式匹配并且在过滤数组中或不在,我首先使用 glob()
which already exclude .
and ..
. Then I filter all files out which doesn't match the pattern with array_filter()
. At the end I simply loop through all files and I check with in_array()
$dir = "../assets/training/archive";
$files = glob("$dir/*.*");
$filteredFiles = array_filter($files, function($v)use($presentation){
return fnmatch($presentation.'.*', $v);
foreach($files as $file) {
if(in_array($file, $filteredFiles))
echo "<p><a href='/assets/training/archive/'". $file . "'>Download</a></p><br><br>";
echo "File Not Available";