Angular 2+个连续的路由参数;最后一个无组件

Angular 2+ consecutive route params; the last one componentless

这里我有一个路由路径,后跟两个路由参数,路由看起来像 section/sectionId/dashboardId:

const appRoutes: Routes = [
    path: 'section/:sectionId',
    component: SectionComponent,
    children: [
        path: ':dashboardId',
        component: DashboardComponent

我需要的是添加第三个无组件的参数。我需要将它用于 ID 作为参数,我可以将其传递给我的组件之一。所以我尝试了这个:

const appRoutes: Routes = [
    path: 'section/:sectionId',
    component: SectionComponent,
    children: [
        path: ':dashboardId',
        component: DashboardComponent,
        children: [
            path: ':dashboardParam',

我收到了拒绝的承诺,上面写着 "One of the following must be provided: component, redirectTo, children or loadChildren"。

所以我将 redirectTo: ':dashboardId' 添加到 :dashboardParam 子路由,然后我得到 "Cannot redirect to ':dashboardId'. Cannot find ':dashboardId'."



const appRoutes: Routes = [
    path: 'section/:sectionId',
    component: SectionComponent,
    children: [
        path: ':dashboardId/:dashboardParam',
        component: DashboardComponent    

并在组件中检查 dashboardParam 参数是否通过

constructor(params: RouteParams) {
    var dashboardParam= params.get("dashboardParam");

    if (dashboardParam) {