Cassandra:无法 store/view 时间戳为 yyyy-mm-dd HH:mmZ

Cassandra: Unable to store/view timestamp as yyyy-mm-dd HH:mmZ

我想存储和查看格式为 yyyy-mm-dd HH:mmZ 的时间戳列。我对 cqlshrc 文件中的 dattimeformat 进行了更改,并将其存储在 home 下的 .cassandra 文件夹中。以下是我所做的更改:

> [ui] ;; Whether or not to display query results with colors ; color =
> on
> ;; Used for displaying timestamps (and reading them with COPY)
> datetimeformat = %Y-%m-%d %H:%M%z
> ;; Display timezone timezone = Etc/UTC
> ;; The number of digits displayed after the decimal point for single
> and double precision numbers ;; (note that increasing this to large
> numbers can result in unusual values) ;float_precision = 5
> ;double_precision = 15
> ;; Used for automatic completion and suggestions ; completekey = tab

所以在 cql 中我创建了一个简单的临时文件 table 如下:

CREATE TABLE project_fvag.temp (
    user_name timestamp PRIMARY KEY,
    user_id decimal


 insert insert into project_fvag.temp(user_time,user_id) values('1997-21-01 00:01Z',0.2);


InvalidRequest: Error from server: code=2200 [Invalid query] message="Unable to coerce '1997-21-01 00:01Z' to a formatted date (long)"

另外,当我查看 table 的过去内容时,我看到数据为

 user_time                       | user_id
 2017-10-10 14:20:56.000000+0000 |       0.2
 2017-10-10 14:20:25.777000+0000 |       0.2

我想知道为什么 datetime yyyy-mm-dd HH:mmZ 格式不起作用?


Used for displaying timestamps (and reading them with COPY)
datetimeformat = %Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S%z