如何从命令行 运行 "dotnet xunit PathToLibrary.dll"(在持续集成中)

How to run "dotnet xunit PathToLibrary.dll" from command line (in Continous Integration)

当我在项目所在的文件夹中时,我可以 "dotnet xunit"。

如何从命令行执行此操作,我想将已编译的 dll 作为参数传递。

dotnet xunit PathToLibrary.dll


No executable found matching command "dotnet-xunit"

我已将 "xunit.execution.desktop.dll"(从 nuget xunit.core.2.3.0 获取)复制到当前文件夹,但这没有帮助。

dotnet-xunit 是一个 per-project CLI tool

Consuming these tools requires you to add a <DotNetCliToolReference> element to your project file for each tool you want to use. Inside the <DotNetCliToolReference> element, you reference the package in which the tool resides and specify the version you need. After running dotnet restore, the tool and its dependencies are restored.

因此请检查您的 .csproj 是否包含

   <DotNetCliToolReference Include="dotnet-xunit" Version="2.3.0" />


dotnet restore

这个答案不是对 OP 的直接回答,但对 dotnet xunit


dotnet xunit 从 xunit 2.4 开始移除 Ref: Release Notes 2.4


Unfortunately, this release also removes the dotnet xunit runner, as the stability of the runner was never perfect, and it suffered from many assembly-loading related issues. Users from .NET Core can continue to use VSTest (either inside Visual Studio, or via dotnet test).

因此,对于 xunit 框架测试,请使用 command

   dotnet test