房间:相关实体 - 可用 public 构造函数

Room: related entities - usable public constructor

为了获得与 Room 的 OneToMany 关系,我使用 @Embedded 对象和 @Relation 变量创建了一个 POJO。

data class SubjectView(
    var subject: Subject,

    @Relation(parentColumn = "idWeb", entityColumn = "subject_id", entity = Topic::class)
    var topics: List<Topic>?


 error: Entities and Pojos must have a usable public constructor. You can have an empty constructor or a constructor whose parameters match the fields (by name and type)
Tried the following constructors but they failed to match:
SubjectView(biz.eventually.atpl.data.db.Subject,java.util.List<biz.eventually.atpl.data.db.Topic>) : [subject : subject, topics : null]

嗯,那个构造函数 [subject : subject, topics : null] 看起来不错 ???

但是,如果我用无参数构造函数和全参数构造函数更改 class,它确实有效。

class SubjectView() {
    var subject: Subject = Subject(-1, -1, "")

    @Relation(parentColumn = "idWeb", entityColumn = "subject_id", entity = Topic::class)
    var topics: List<Topic>? = null

    constructor(subject: Subject, topics: List<Topic>?) : this() {
        this.subject = subject
        this.topics = topics


构造函数(数据)中所有变量的默认参数(正如我在其他 post 中看到的那样)class 似乎不是强制性的?




constructor(var subject: Subject)
constructor(var subject: Subject, var topics: List<Topic>) 


data class SubjectView(
    var subject: Subject,

    @Relation(parentColumn = "idWeb", entityColumn = "subject_id", entity = Topic::class)
    var topics: List<Topic> = ArrayList()
) {
 @Ignore constructor(var subject: Subject) : this(subject, ArrayList())


data class SubjectView(@Embedded var subject: Subject) {
    @Relation var topics: List<Topic> = ArrayList()

注意第一个解决方案是正确的解决方案,您需要将@Ignore 设置为任何其他构造函数。