
Gloss function `animate` doesnt seem to be doing anything

我打算使用 haskell gloss 创建一个简单的动画。我希望在开始的 4 秒内,每个矩形的颜色都会变深。问题是,经过相对较长的链接时间后,实际上什么也没有发生 -



window :: Display
window = InWindow "Simon" (width, height) (offset, offset)

background :: Color
background = black

data SimonGame = Game {
} deriving Show

initialState :: SimonGame
initialState = Game
  { rectangleGreen = translate (-100) (0) $ color green $ rectangleSolid 60 60,
    rectangleRed = translate (100) (0) $ color red $ rectangleSolid 60 60,
    rectangleBlue = translate (0) (100)  $  color blue $ rectangleSolid 60 60,
    rectanglYellow = translate (0) (-100)  $  color yellow $ rectangleSolid 60 60

render :: SimonGame -> Picture 
render game = pictures
              [ rectangleGreen game,
                rectangleRed game,
                rectangleBlue game,
                rectanglYellow game

updateBoard :: Float-> SimonGame -> SimonGame 
updateBoard 1.0 game = game { 
                              rectangleGreen = translate (-100) (0) $ color (dark green)  $ rectangleSolid 60 60,
                              rectangleRed = translate (100) (0) $ color red $ rectangleSolid 60 60,
                              rectangleBlue = translate (0) (100)  $  color blue $ rectangleSolid 60 60,
                              rectanglYellow = translate (0) (-100)  $  color yellow $ rectangleSolid 60 60
updateBoard 2.0 game = game { 
                              rectangleGreen = translate (-100) (0) $ color green $ rectangleSolid 60 60,
                              rectangleRed = translate (100) (0) $ color (dark red) $ rectangleSolid 60 60,
                              rectangleBlue = translate (0) (100)  $  color blue $rectangleSolid 60 60,
                              rectanglYellow = translate (0) (-100)  $  color yellow $rectangleSolid 60 60
updateBoard 3.0 game = game {
                              rectangleGreen = translate (-100) (0) $ color green $ rectangleSolid 60 60,
                              rectangleRed = translate (100) (0) $ color red $ rectangleSolid 60 60,
                              rectangleBlue = translate (0) (100)  $  color (dark blue) $rectangleSolid 60 60,
                              rectanglYellow = translate (0) (-100)  $  color yellow $rectangleSolid 60 60
updateBoard 4.0 game = game { 
                              rectangleGreen = translate (-100) (0) $ color green $ rectangleSolid 60 60,
                              rectangleRed = translate (100) (0) $ color red $ rectangleSolid 60 60,
                              rectangleBlue = translate (0) (100)  $  color blue $rectangleSolid 60 60,
                              rectanglYellow = translate (0) (-100)  $  color (dark yellow) $rectangleSolid 60 60
updateBoard _ game = game

main :: IO ()
main = animate window background frame
    frame :: Float -> Picture
    frame seconds = render $ updateBoard seconds initialState

从不对浮点数进行相等性检查。 (或者,如果你这样做,即使数字在概念上是相等的,也总是假设结果可能是 False。)

在你的情况下,这甚至不是概念上的情况,因为 animate 在某些有限的时间点被调用;为什么这些包括任何精确的整数秒?

解决此问题的一个简单方法是查找 四舍五入到整秒 时间。

updateBoard :: Int -> SimonGame -> SimonGame 
updateBoard 1 game = game { ... }
updateBoard 2 game = game { ... }

main = animate window background frame
    frame :: Float -> Picture
    frame seconds = render $ updateBoard (floor seconds) initialState