使用 XMLTable 函数从 Xml 中提取数据

Extracting Data from Xml Using XMLTable Function

我刚开始学习在 PLSQL 中处理 XML 数据,这是我的问题。


 create table purchase_order 
data XMLType

insert into purchase_order
values(XMLType('<PurchaseOrder xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"
  <Requestor>Sarah J. Bell</Requestor>
    <name>Sarah J. Bell</name>
    <address>400 Oracle Parkway
      Redwood Shores
    <telephone>650 506 7400</telephone>
  <SpecialInstructions>Air Mail</SpecialInstructions>
    <LineItem ItemNumber="1">
      <Description>A Night to Remember</Description>
      <Part Id="715515009058" UnitPrice="39.95" Quantity="2"/>
    <LineItem ItemNumber="2">
      <Description>The Unbearable Lightness Of Being</Description>
      <Part Id="37429140222" UnitPrice="29.95" Quantity="2"/>
    <LineItem ItemNumber="3">
      <Part Id="715515011020" UnitPrice="29.95" Quantity="4"/>

我想提取 ItemNumber、Description、Part Id、UnitPrice、Quantity 等值,并将它们显示为关系 Table。但我收到错误 ORA-19279。这是我的代码。

select x.*
from purchase_order t,
passing t.data 
columns Reference varchar2(300) path 'Reference',
Usr varchar2(20) path '//Action',
Requestor varchar2(20) path '//Requestor',
CostCenter varchar2(20) path '//CostCenter',
ShippingInstructions varchar2(500) path '//ShippingInstructions',
SpecialInstructions varchar2(50) path '//SpecialInstructions',
ItemNumber varchar(10) path '//LineItems/LineItem/@ItemNumber',
Description varchar(100) path '//Description'

 ) x

您需要将多项目 XML 元素从一个级别传递到第二个 XMLTable() 调用:

select x.Usr, -- other x columns, but not LineItems
  y.ItemNumber, y.Description
from purchase_order t,
    passing t.data 
    columns Reference varchar2(300) path 'Reference',
    Usr varchar2(20) path '//Action',
    Requestor varchar2(20) path '//Requestor',
    CostCenter varchar2(20) path '//CostCenter',
    ShippingInstructions varchar2(500) path '//ShippingInstructions',
    SpecialInstructions varchar2(50) path '//SpecialInstructions',
    LineItems XMLType path '//LineItems'
  ) x,
    passing x.LineItems
    columns ItemNumber varchar(10) path '//LineItem/@ItemNumber',
    Description varchar(100) path '//Description'
  ) y;

USR                  ITEMNUMBER DESCRIPTION                             
-------------------- ---------- ----------------------------------------
SVOLLMAN             1          A Night to Remember                      
SVOLLMAN             2          The Unbearable Lightness Of Being        
SVOLLMAN             3          Sisters                                  

我只显示了 x 中的一列以防止滚动,但您可以包括所有这些列,但传递给第二个 XMLTable() 调用的 LineItems 列除外;所以你不能使用 select *.