PowerShell Windows 表单包装器
PowerShell Windows Forms Wrapper
在 PowerShell 中,使用 Windows Forms 为小型 cmdlet 构建用户界面是很常见的,但为此所需的语法通常部分冗余且冗长。这就引出了一个问题:
有没有一种方法可以最大限度地减少所需的代码,或者是否存在用于 PowerShell 的 Windows Forms 包装器来减少冗长和冗余的语法?
我不是在寻找 ShowUI as this solution is too heavy considering it based on Windows Presentation Foundation (see also: WPF vs WinForms) 以及它涉及 PowerShell 模块 的事实,这使得它比包装函数更难部署。
在很多情况下,不需要包装器来使您的代码不那么冗长,例如冗长的 WinForms PowerShell 脚本 here。像这样的代码片段:
$System_Windows_Forms_Padding = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.Padding
$System_Windows_Forms_Padding.All = 3
$System_Windows_Forms_Padding.Bottom = 3
$System_Windows_Forms_Padding.Left = 3
$System_Windows_Forms_Padding.Right = 3
$System_Windows_Forms_Padding.Top = 3
$Tab1.Padding = $System_Windows_Forms_Padding
可以在 WinForms 中轻松简化为一行:
$Tab1.Padding = 3
如果每边的填充不同,PowerShell 将自动转换:
$Tab1.Padding = "4, 6, 4, 6"
注意: PowerShell 不转换 $Tab1.Padding = "3"
或 $Tab1.Padding = "4, 6"
然而,创建 windows 表单控件的本机方法远非 DRY (don't repeat yourself) programming. Although (multiple) properties can be added at creation (using:New-Object System.Windows.Forms.Button -Property @{Location = "75, 120"; Size = "75, 23"}
) , multiple properties can't be set right away at a later state. Above that, it isn't quick and easy to add events1, child controls and container properties (as e.g. RowSpan
), or any combination, intermediately at creation of a windows form control. Bottom line, you have to reference the windows form control over and over again to set its properties and more (with e.g. $OKButton.<property> = ...
as in this example) :
$OKButton = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.Button
$OKButton.Location = New-Object System.Drawing.Point(75,120)
$OKButton.Size = New-Object System.Drawing.Size(75,23)
$OKButton.Text = "OK"
这就是为什么我创建了一个可重复使用的 PowerShell Form Control 包装器,它可以让您最大限度地减少 Windows Forms (WinForms) 代码的本质。
1) 除非您使用 On<event>
方法,另请参阅:addEventListener vs onclick
PowerShell Form-Control Wrapper
Function Form-Control {
[Parameter(Position = 0)]$Control = "Form",
[Parameter(Position = 1)][HashTable]$Member = @{},
[Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'AttachChild', Mandatory = $false)][Windows.Forms.Control[]]$Add = @(),
[Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'AttachParent', Mandatory = $false)][HashTable]$Set = @{},
[Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'AttachParent', Mandatory = $false)][Alias("Parent")][Switch]$GetParent,
[Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'AttachParent', Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipeline = $true)][Windows.Forms.Control]$Container
If ($Control -isnot [Windows.Forms.Control]) {Try {$Control = New-Object Windows.Forms.$Control} Catch {$PSCmdlet.WriteError($_)}}
$Styles = @{RowStyles = "RowStyle"; ColumnStyles = "ColumnStyle"}
ForEach ($Key in $Member.Keys) {
If ($Style = $Styles.$Key) {[Void]$Control.$Key.Clear()
For ($i = 0; $i -lt $Member.$Key.Length; $i++) {[Void]$Control.$Key.Add((New-Object Windows.Forms.$Style($Member.$Key[$i])))}
} Else {
Switch (($Control | Get-Member $Key).MemberType) {
"Property" {$Control.$Key = $Member.$Key}
"Method" {Invoke-Expression "[Void](`$Control.$Key($($Member.$Key)))"}
"Event" {Invoke-Expression "`$Control.Add_$Key(`$Member.`$Key)"}
Default {Write-Error("The $($Control.GetType().Name) control doesn't have a '$Key' member.")}
$Add | ForEach {$Control.Controls.Add($_)}
If ($Container) {$Container.Controls.Add($Control)}
If ($Set) {$Set.Keys | ForEach {Invoke-Expression "`$Container.Set$_(`$Control, `$Set.`$_)"}}
If ($GetParent) {$Container} Else {$Control}
}; Set-Alias Form Form-Control
<System.Windows.Forms.Control> = Form-Control [-Control <String>] [-Member <HashTable>]
<Void> = Form-Control [-Control <System.Windows.Forms.Control>] [-Member <HashTable>]
<System.Windows.Forms.Control> = Form-Control [-Control <String>|<System.Windows.Forms.Control>] [-Member <HashTable>] [-Add <System.Windows.Forms.Control[]>]
<System.Windows.Forms.Control> = <System.Windows.Forms.Control> | Form-Control [-Control <String>|<System.Windows.Forms.Control>] [-Member <HashTable>] [-Set <HashTable>] [-PassParent]
-Control <String>|<System.Windows.Forms.Control>
参数接受 Windows 表单控件类型名称 ([String]
) 或现有表单控件 ([System.Windows.Forms.Control]
)。 Windows 表单控件类型名称如 Form
, Label
, TextBox
, Button
, Panel
, ...
如果提供了 Windows 表单控件类型名称 ([String]
),包装器将创建并 return 一个新的 Windows 表单控件,其属性和设置由其余部分定义参数。
如果提供了现有的 Windows 表单控件 ([System.Windows.Forms.Control]
),包装器将使用其余参数定义的属性和设置更新现有的 Windows 表单控件。
-Member <HashTable>
(位置 1)
设置 属性 值、调用方法并在新对象或现有对象上添加事件。
如果哈希名称在控件上表示 property
,例如Size = "50, 50"
如果哈希名称在控件上表示 method
,例如Scale = {1.5, 1.5}
如果哈希名称在控件上表示 event
,例如Click = {$Form.Close()}
和 RowStyles
,特别针对 TableLayoutPanel control which is considered a general substitute for the WPF Grid 控件进行了简化:
- 哈希值提供的 ColumnStyles
property, clears all column widths and reset them with the ColumnStyle
- 哈希值提供的 RowStyles
property, clears all row Heigths and reset them with the RowStyle
注意:如果要添加或插入单个特定的ColumnStyle或RowStyle项,您需要回退到原生语句,例如:[Void]$Control.Control.ColumnStyles.Add((New-Object Windows.Forms.ColumnStyle("Percent", 100))
-Add <Array>
-Container <System.Windows.Forms.Control>
父容器通常由管道提供:$ParentContainer | Form $ChildControl
-Set <HashTable>
)特定的子控件属性与其父面板容器相关,例如.Set RowSpan = 2
注意: -set
列 - 和行参数只能在容器通过管道传输到控件时使用。
默认情况下,(子)控件将由 form-control
函数 return 编辑,除非提供了 -GetParent
开关,这将 return 父容器。
注意: -set
列 - 和行参数只能在容器通过管道传输到控件时使用。
设置 Windows 表单层次结构的方法有两种:
- 向容器添加(新)控件
- 通过管道将容器连接到(新)控件
对于此示例,我使用 PowerShell Form-Control 包装器在 docs.microsoft.com 处修改了 Creating a Custom Input Box:
$TextBox = Form TextBox @{Location = "10, 40"; Size = "260, 20"}
$OKButton = Form Button @{Location = "75, 120"; Size = "75, 23"; Text = "OK"; DialogResult = "OK"}
$CancelButton = Form Button @{Location = "150, 120"; Size = "75, 23"; Text = "Cancel"; DialogResult = "Cancel"}
$Result = (Form-Control Form @{
Size = "300, 200"
Text = "Data Entry Form"
StartPosition = "CenterScreen"
KeyPreview = $True
Topmost = $True
AcceptButton = $OKButton
CancelButton = $CancelButton
} -Add (
(Form Label @{Text = "Please enter the information below:"; Location = "10, 20"; Size = "280, 20"}),
$TextBox, $OKButton, $CancelButton
if ($result -eq [System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult]::OK)
$x = $TextBox.Text
注1:虽然添加控件显得更加结构化,尤其是对于小窗体,缺点是不能调用与父级都相关的方法容器和子控件(如 -Set RowSpan
注意 2: 如果尝试直接在父容器中构建子(甚至孙)控件(如上所示 Label
控制)。此外,更难引用这样的子项(例如 $OKButton
与 $Form.Controls["OKButton"]
,假设您已设置按钮 属性 Name = "OKButton
对于此示例,我创建了一个用户界面来测试 dock
属性 行为。表格如下所示:
为此所需的 PowerShell Form-Control 代码:
$Form = Form-Control Form @{Text = "Dock test"; StartPosition = "CenterScreen"; Padding = 4; Activated = {$Dock[0].Select()}}
$Table = $Form | Form TableLayoutPanel @{RowCount = 2; ColumnCount = 2; ColumnStyles = ("Percent", 50), "AutoSize"; Dock = "Fill"}
$Panel = $Table | Form Panel @{Dock = "Fill"; BorderStyle = "FixedSingle"; BackColor = "Teal"} -Set @{RowSpan = 2}
$Button = $Panel | Form Button @{Location = "50, 50"; Size = "50, 50"; BackColor = "Silver"; Enabled = $False}
$Group = $Table | Form GroupBox @{Text = "Dock"; AutoSize = $True}
$Flow = $Group | Form FlowLayoutPanel @{AutoSize = $True; FlowDirection = "TopDown"; Dock = "Fill"; Padding = 4}
$Dock = "None", "Top", "Left", "Bottom", "Right", "Fill" | ForEach {
$Flow | Form RadioButton @{Text = $_; AutoSize = $True; Click = {$Button.Dock = $This.Text}}
$Close = $Table | Form Button @{Text = "Close"; Dock = "Bottom"; Click = {$Form.Close()}}
在 PowerShell 中,使用 Windows Forms 为小型 cmdlet 构建用户界面是很常见的,但为此所需的语法通常部分冗余且冗长。这就引出了一个问题:
有没有一种方法可以最大限度地减少所需的代码,或者是否存在用于 PowerShell 的 Windows Forms 包装器来减少冗长和冗余的语法?
我不是在寻找 ShowUI as this solution is too heavy considering it based on Windows Presentation Foundation (see also: WPF vs WinForms) 以及它涉及 PowerShell 模块 的事实,这使得它比包装函数更难部署。
在很多情况下,不需要包装器来使您的代码不那么冗长,例如冗长的 WinForms PowerShell 脚本 here。像这样的代码片段:
$System_Windows_Forms_Padding = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.Padding
$System_Windows_Forms_Padding.All = 3
$System_Windows_Forms_Padding.Bottom = 3
$System_Windows_Forms_Padding.Left = 3
$System_Windows_Forms_Padding.Right = 3
$System_Windows_Forms_Padding.Top = 3
$Tab1.Padding = $System_Windows_Forms_Padding
可以在 WinForms 中轻松简化为一行:
$Tab1.Padding = 3
如果每边的填充不同,PowerShell 将自动转换:
$Tab1.Padding = "4, 6, 4, 6"
注意: PowerShell 不转换 $Tab1.Padding = "3"
或 $Tab1.Padding = "4, 6"
然而,创建 windows 表单控件的本机方法远非 DRY (don't repeat yourself) programming. Although (multiple) properties can be added at creation (using:New-Object System.Windows.Forms.Button -Property @{Location = "75, 120"; Size = "75, 23"}
) , multiple properties can't be set right away at a later state. Above that, it isn't quick and easy to add events1, child controls and container properties (as e.g. RowSpan
), or any combination, intermediately at creation of a windows form control. Bottom line, you have to reference the windows form control over and over again to set its properties and more (with e.g. $OKButton.<property> = ...
as in this example) :
$OKButton = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.Button
$OKButton.Location = New-Object System.Drawing.Point(75,120)
$OKButton.Size = New-Object System.Drawing.Size(75,23)
$OKButton.Text = "OK"
这就是为什么我创建了一个可重复使用的 PowerShell Form Control 包装器,它可以让您最大限度地减少 Windows Forms (WinForms) 代码的本质。
1) 除非您使用 On<event>
方法,另请参阅:addEventListener vs onclick
PowerShell Form-Control Wrapper
Function Form-Control {
[Parameter(Position = 0)]$Control = "Form",
[Parameter(Position = 1)][HashTable]$Member = @{},
[Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'AttachChild', Mandatory = $false)][Windows.Forms.Control[]]$Add = @(),
[Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'AttachParent', Mandatory = $false)][HashTable]$Set = @{},
[Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'AttachParent', Mandatory = $false)][Alias("Parent")][Switch]$GetParent,
[Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'AttachParent', Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipeline = $true)][Windows.Forms.Control]$Container
If ($Control -isnot [Windows.Forms.Control]) {Try {$Control = New-Object Windows.Forms.$Control} Catch {$PSCmdlet.WriteError($_)}}
$Styles = @{RowStyles = "RowStyle"; ColumnStyles = "ColumnStyle"}
ForEach ($Key in $Member.Keys) {
If ($Style = $Styles.$Key) {[Void]$Control.$Key.Clear()
For ($i = 0; $i -lt $Member.$Key.Length; $i++) {[Void]$Control.$Key.Add((New-Object Windows.Forms.$Style($Member.$Key[$i])))}
} Else {
Switch (($Control | Get-Member $Key).MemberType) {
"Property" {$Control.$Key = $Member.$Key}
"Method" {Invoke-Expression "[Void](`$Control.$Key($($Member.$Key)))"}
"Event" {Invoke-Expression "`$Control.Add_$Key(`$Member.`$Key)"}
Default {Write-Error("The $($Control.GetType().Name) control doesn't have a '$Key' member.")}
$Add | ForEach {$Control.Controls.Add($_)}
If ($Container) {$Container.Controls.Add($Control)}
If ($Set) {$Set.Keys | ForEach {Invoke-Expression "`$Container.Set$_(`$Control, `$Set.`$_)"}}
If ($GetParent) {$Container} Else {$Control}
}; Set-Alias Form Form-Control
<System.Windows.Forms.Control> = Form-Control [-Control <String>] [-Member <HashTable>]
<Void> = Form-Control [-Control <System.Windows.Forms.Control>] [-Member <HashTable>]
<System.Windows.Forms.Control> = Form-Control [-Control <String>|<System.Windows.Forms.Control>] [-Member <HashTable>] [-Add <System.Windows.Forms.Control[]>]
<System.Windows.Forms.Control> = <System.Windows.Forms.Control> | Form-Control [-Control <String>|<System.Windows.Forms.Control>] [-Member <HashTable>] [-Set <HashTable>] [-PassParent]
-Control <String>|<System.Windows.Forms.Control>
参数接受 Windows 表单控件类型名称 ([String]
) 或现有表单控件 ([System.Windows.Forms.Control]
)。 Windows 表单控件类型名称如 Form
, Label
, TextBox
, Button
, Panel
, ...
如果提供了 Windows 表单控件类型名称 ([String]
),包装器将创建并 return 一个新的 Windows 表单控件,其属性和设置由其余部分定义参数。
如果提供了现有的 Windows 表单控件 ([System.Windows.Forms.Control]
),包装器将使用其余参数定义的属性和设置更新现有的 Windows 表单控件。
-Member <HashTable>
(位置 1)
设置 属性 值、调用方法并在新对象或现有对象上添加事件。
,例如Size = "50, 50"
,例如Scale = {1.5, 1.5}
,例如Click = {$Form.Close()}
和 RowStyles
,特别针对 TableLayoutPanel control which is considered a general substitute for the WPF Grid 控件进行了简化:
- 哈希值提供的 ColumnStyles
property, clears all column widths and reset them with the ColumnStyle
- 哈希值提供的 RowStyles
property, clears all row Heigths and reset them with the RowStyle
注意:如果要添加或插入单个特定的ColumnStyle或RowStyle项,您需要回退到原生语句,例如:[Void]$Control.Control.ColumnStyles.Add((New-Object Windows.Forms.ColumnStyle("Percent", 100))
-Add <Array>
-Container <System.Windows.Forms.Control>
父容器通常由管道提供:$ParentContainer | Form $ChildControl
-Set <HashTable>
)特定的子控件属性与其父面板容器相关,例如.Set RowSpan = 2
注意: -set
列 - 和行参数只能在容器通过管道传输到控件时使用。
默认情况下,(子)控件将由 form-control
函数 return 编辑,除非提供了 -GetParent
开关,这将 return 父容器。
注意: -set
列 - 和行参数只能在容器通过管道传输到控件时使用。
设置 Windows 表单层次结构的方法有两种:
- 向容器添加(新)控件
- 通过管道将容器连接到(新)控件
对于此示例,我使用 PowerShell Form-Control 包装器在 docs.microsoft.com 处修改了 Creating a Custom Input Box:
$TextBox = Form TextBox @{Location = "10, 40"; Size = "260, 20"}
$OKButton = Form Button @{Location = "75, 120"; Size = "75, 23"; Text = "OK"; DialogResult = "OK"}
$CancelButton = Form Button @{Location = "150, 120"; Size = "75, 23"; Text = "Cancel"; DialogResult = "Cancel"}
$Result = (Form-Control Form @{
Size = "300, 200"
Text = "Data Entry Form"
StartPosition = "CenterScreen"
KeyPreview = $True
Topmost = $True
AcceptButton = $OKButton
CancelButton = $CancelButton
} -Add (
(Form Label @{Text = "Please enter the information below:"; Location = "10, 20"; Size = "280, 20"}),
$TextBox, $OKButton, $CancelButton
if ($result -eq [System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult]::OK)
$x = $TextBox.Text
注1:虽然添加控件显得更加结构化,尤其是对于小窗体,缺点是不能调用与父级都相关的方法容器和子控件(如 -Set RowSpan
注意 2: 如果尝试直接在父容器中构建子(甚至孙)控件(如上所示 Label
控制)。此外,更难引用这样的子项(例如 $OKButton
与 $Form.Controls["OKButton"]
,假设您已设置按钮 属性 Name = "OKButton
对于此示例,我创建了一个用户界面来测试 dock
属性 行为。表格如下所示:
为此所需的 PowerShell Form-Control 代码:
$Form = Form-Control Form @{Text = "Dock test"; StartPosition = "CenterScreen"; Padding = 4; Activated = {$Dock[0].Select()}}
$Table = $Form | Form TableLayoutPanel @{RowCount = 2; ColumnCount = 2; ColumnStyles = ("Percent", 50), "AutoSize"; Dock = "Fill"}
$Panel = $Table | Form Panel @{Dock = "Fill"; BorderStyle = "FixedSingle"; BackColor = "Teal"} -Set @{RowSpan = 2}
$Button = $Panel | Form Button @{Location = "50, 50"; Size = "50, 50"; BackColor = "Silver"; Enabled = $False}
$Group = $Table | Form GroupBox @{Text = "Dock"; AutoSize = $True}
$Flow = $Group | Form FlowLayoutPanel @{AutoSize = $True; FlowDirection = "TopDown"; Dock = "Fill"; Padding = 4}
$Dock = "None", "Top", "Left", "Bottom", "Right", "Fill" | ForEach {
$Flow | Form RadioButton @{Text = $_; AutoSize = $True; Click = {$Button.Dock = $This.Text}}
$Close = $Table | Form Button @{Text = "Close"; Dock = "Bottom"; Click = {$Form.Close()}}