尝试在模拟的 OS 内存管理器中显示 "map" 分配的内存

Trying to display a "map" of allocated memory in a simulated OS memory manager

多个客户端正在向服务器发送作业名称和内存请求。服务器充当内存管理器,并使用分页作为其内存分配方案为尽可能多的客户端分配内存。我正在使用 FIFO 进行客户端-服务器通信。

我遇到的问题是在处理完所有客户端之后,我想在服务器端显示已分配内存的映射。换句话说,我想显示 what frames 已分配给 what 客户

以下是我的服务器应用程序的一部分。我还附上了一些可能有助于理解问题的输出。一切都按预期工作,直到程序结束(它打印出分配给每个客户端的帧;[=46 上的最后一个 for 循环=])。 clientsAllocation 数组是保存每个客户端的私有 FIFO 名称的数组。我试图将已分配帧的索引(在 allocatedFrames 数组中)指定为客户端的 privateFIFOName。我不确定为什么这不起作用。预先感谢您的帮助。

任何答案都应该是可移植的。我必须能够使用 cygwin-gcc 编译器在 UNIX 机器上 运行 这段代码。我正在 Windows 上测试代码,因为它是我的主要机器。每次更改代码时,我都会使用 PuTTY 连接到我大学的 UNIX 机器,并确保代码 运行s 也在那里。


...//include statements

#define FRAMESIZE 256

int main(void)
    int numOfClients = 0; //total number of clients this server will process
    int totalNumOfFrames = 0; //total number of frames in memory
    int frames = 0; //copy of numOfFrames used to allocate frames for client

    //Struct to recieve from client
        char jobName[MAX_LENGTH_JOB_NAME];
        char privateFIFOName[MAX_LENGTH_FIFO_NAME];
        int memoryRequest;

    //Struct to send to client containing the calculated frames and the fragmentation
        char message[MAX_LENGTH_MESSAGE];
        int fragmentation;
        int totalNumOfFrames;
        int frameNumbers[totalNumOfFrames];

    ... //getting input from user and doing error checking

    int allocatedFrames[totalNumOfFrames]; //an array of "flags" that will keep track whether a frame is allocated or not
    char* clientsAllocation[totalNumOfFrames]; //an array to keep track of what frames are allocated to what client

    memset(allocatedFrames, 0, sizeof(allocatedFrames)); //make sure all values in the array are set to 0 to prevent random values
    memset(clientsAllocation, 0, sizeof(clientsAllocation));

    int i = 0;
    int j = 0;

    for (i; i < numOfClients; i++)
        if (input.memoryRequest >= FRAMESIZE && input.memoryRequest <= memoryLeft)
            frames = 0;

            if (framesLeft >= numOfFrames)
                j = 0;
                while (frames < numOfFrames)
                    for (j; j < totalNumOfFrames; j++)
                        if (allocatedFrames[j] == 0) //if the value at j is 0, then this is an empty frame and can be allocated
                            allocatedFrames[j] = 1; //switch the value to 1 in both arrays
                            output.frameNumbers[j] = 1;
                            clientsAllocation[j] = input.privateFIFOName; //keep track of what frames this client was allocated
                            printf("%d: %s\n", j, clientsAllocation[j]);
                            printf("SERVER:> Frame Allocated: %d\n", j);
                            break; //breaks out of this 'for' loop which should only be run as many times as there are frames to be allocated
                    frames++; //increment the temporary frames variable to keep track of how many times to run the for loop

                ... //calculations on framesLeft and memoryLeft
            //if it is not a valid request, (i.e. requesting more frames than are available)
                ... //some error printing
        else if (...)... //range checking but the code is very similar to above

    i = 0;
    for (i; i < totalNumOfFrames; i++)
        printf("%d: %s\n", i, clientsAllocation[i]);

    return 0;


clientsAllocation[j] = input.privateFIFOName;

您可以通过在输入结构中给出 char 数组的 name/identifier 来做到这一点。
它被视为指向 char 的指针并分配给 clientsAllocation.



为避免这种情况,您可以为每个名称 malloc() 一些内存,并通过字符串复制用当前名称填充它。
