使用 VBA 宏选择和复制 Outlook 电子邮件正文

Selecting and copying Outlook email body with a VBA macro

我是 Excel 中 VBA 宏的初学者,这是 Outlook 中的第一次尝试,但这是我正在尝试做的事情:

在 Outlook 2010 中,将宏分配给按钮,按下该按钮时,

  1. 获取活动电子邮件的整个正文
  2. 将正文包括所有格式和html复制到剪贴板
  3. 打开一个新的 word 文档
  4. 将剪贴板的内容粘贴到这个word文档
  5. 清除剪贴板

到目前为止,我只有下面的第 1 步和第 3 步(我想知道我是否在第 1 步中以错误的方式进行此操作):

Sub pasteToWord()

    Dim activeMailMessage As Outlook.MailItem 'variable for email that will be copied.
    Dim activeBody
    Dim clearIt As String 'Intended to eventually clear clipboard.

'Code to get to the body of the active email.
    If TypeName(ActiveExplorer.Selection.Item(1)) = "MailItem" Then _
    Set activeMailMessage = ActiveExplorer.Selection.Item(1)
    activeBody = activeMailMessage.Body
    'MsgBox activeBody
    '^This displayed what I want in plaintext form,
    'so I think im on the right track

'Code to copy selection to clipboard

'Code to open new Word doc
    Set WordApp = CreateObject("Word.Application")
    WordApp.Visible = True

'Code to paste contents of clipboard to active word document

'Code to clear clipboard

End Sub



这是迄今为止最接近的结果,感谢 David Zemens。我想我缺少一些参考,因为我的编译器不理解 "DataObject" 的 ClearClipboard() 函数。它确实复制并粘贴到带格式的 word 中,如下所示(尽管我不得不注释掉最后一个函数以避免错误):

Sub pasteToWord()

    Dim WordApp As Word.Application  'Need to link Microsoft Word Object library
    Dim wdDoc As Word.Document       'for these to be understood by compiler
    Dim activeMailMessage As Outlook.MailItem
    Dim activeBody As String

If TypeName(ActiveExplorer.Selection.Item(1)) = "MailItem" Then

    'Get a handle on the email
    Set activeMailMessage = ActiveExplorer.Selection.Item(1)

    'Ensure Word Application is open
    Set WordApp = CreateObject("Word.Application")

    'Make Word Application visible
    WordApp.Visible = True

    'Create a new Document and get a handle on it
    Set wdDoc = WordApp.Documents.Add

    'Copy the formatted text:

    'Paste to the word document

    'Clear the clipboard entirely:
     Call ClearClipBoard

End If

End Sub

Public Sub ClearClipBoard()
    Dim oData As New DataObject 'object to use the clipboard -- Compiler error, 
                                'I think I'm missing a reference here.

    oData.SetText Text:=Empty 'Clear
    oData.PutInClipboard 'take in the clipboard to empty it
End Sub


Dim WordApp As Word.Application
Dim wdDoc As Word.Document
Dim activeMailMessage As MailItem

If TypeName(ActiveExplorer.Selection.Item(1)) = "MailItem" Then

    'Get a handle on the email
    Set activeMailMessage = ActiveExplorer.Selection.Item(1)

    'Ensure Word Application is open
    Set WordApp = CreateObject("Word.Application")

    'Make Word Application visible
    WordApp.Visible = True

    'Create a new Document and get a handle on it
    Set wdDoc = WordApp.Documents.Add

    'Copy the formatted text:

    'Paste to the word document

    'Clear the clipboard entirely:
     Call ClearClipBoard

End If

注意 使用 function like the one described here:

Public Sub ClearClipBoard() 
    Dim oData   As New DataObject 'object to use the clipboard

    oData.SetText Text:=Empty 'Clear
    oData.PutInClipboard 'take in the clipboard to empty it
End Sub 

您可以在处理项目主体时使用 Word 对象模型。

Word 在 Outlook 中用作电子邮件编辑器。 WordEditor property of the Inspector class returns an instance of the Document class from the Word object model which represents the Body of your email. See Chapter 17: Working with Item Bodies 了解更多信息。

如您所见,无需使用任何额外工具或 类(剪贴板等)。您可以使用内置机制复制文档或按原样保存文档。