从 EMV 的 CVM 列表中解析 CV 规则

Parse CV Rule from CVM List for EMV


0000 0000 0000 0000 4103 4203 1E03 1F02

来自EMV规范书3,前4个字节和后4个字节是金额,其余是CV规则。使这些成为 CV 规则 4103 4203 1E03 1F02


我假设我需要将 CV 规则中的前两个字节转换为二进制并与上面的 table 匹配?但是为什么上面的 table 有空单元格? 也有人可以用一个简单的伪代码算法来解释这个吗?

您是否参考了同一本书中的 10.5.5 CVM 处理逻辑 部分?说的很详细,甚至是流量推车。



41 03

41 => 0100 0001
Apply succeeding CV Rule if this CVM is unsuccessful
Plaintext PIN verification performed by ICC

If terminal supports the CVM

42 03

Apply succeeding CV Rule if thisCVM is unsuccessful
Enciphered PIN verified online

If terminal supports the CVM


Signature (paper)

If terminal supports the CVM


1F 02

No CVM required

If not unattended cash and not manual cash and not purchase
with cashback

问:(做)我需要将 CV 规则中的前两个字节转换为二进制并与上面的 table 匹配?

A: 在示例标签 0x8E 中,您的值是:

  • 2个,每4个字节,共8个字节。
  • 一组 4 个持卡人验证 (CV) 规则,每个 2 个字节,CVM 列表总长度为 8 个字节。在每 2 个字节的规则中:
    • 字节 1 是 "Cardholder Verification Method (CVM) Code",它是您请求中的二进制 table。示例:需要将 HEX 值转换为二进制格式。其中十六进制 0x41 == 二进制 b01000001。然后用 CVM 代码将位匹配到 table39。
    • 字节 2 是 "Cardholder Verification Method (CVM) Condition Code"。 table 带有 EMV 规范中的描述。


A: 因为Tag值前面有两个Amounts,每个4字节(8个HEX字符)。然后就是CVM规则列表。


A: 见解析CVM List标签0x8E值的例子。

# Cheef's parser.
# Copyright (C) 2008-2017 Alexander Shevelev. https://iso8583.info/
# lib   : "/lib/EMV/" - Integrated Circuit Card Specifications for Payment Systems
# tool  : "TV"
# stat  : 18 nodes, 4 lookup tables, 100.00% passed (4/4)

TV:#"8E0000000000000000410342031E031F02" # EMV, Cardholder Verification Method (CVM) List
- tag: "8E"
- val:#"0000000000000000410342031E031F02" # Cardholder Verification Method (CVM) List.
  - AmountX: "00000000" # Amount X
  - AmountY: "00000000" # Amount Y
  - CVRs:#"34313033343230333145303331463032" # CVM List
    - S1:#"4103" # Cardholder Verification Rule
      - CVMCode: "41" # Cardholder Verification Method (CVM) Code
        # _1______ - Apply succeeding CVR if CVM fails
        # __000001 - ICC Plain PIN verification
      - CVMCondition: "03" # Cardholder Verification Method (CVM) Condition Code // If terminal supports the CVM
    - S2:#"4203" # Cardholder Verification Rule
      - CVMCode: "42" # Cardholder Verification Method (CVM) Code
        # _1______ - Apply succeeding CVR if CVM fails
        # __000010 - Online Enciphered PIN verification
      - CVMCondition: "03" # Cardholder Verification Method (CVM) Condition Code // If terminal supports the CVM
    - S3:#"1E03" # Cardholder Verification Rule
      - CVMCode: "1E" # Cardholder Verification Method (CVM) Code
        # _0______ - Fail cardholder verification if CVM is unsuccessful
        # __011110 - Signature (paper)
      - CVMCondition: "03" # Cardholder Verification Method (CVM) Condition Code // If terminal supports the CVM
    - S4:#"1F02" # Cardholder Verification Rule
      - CVMCode: "1F" # Cardholder Verification Method (CVM) Code
        # _0______ - Fail cardholder verification if CVM is unsuccessful
        # __011111 - No CVM required
      - CVMCondition: "02" # Cardholder Verification Method (CVM) Condition Code // If not cash or cashback