是否可以用普通 PHP 或 Mockery 覆盖 class 的方法?

Is it possible to override method of the class with plain PHP or Mockery?


class a
    function a()
         return file_get_contents('http://some/third/party/service');

class b
    function b()
        $a = new a();
        return $a->a() . ' Bar';

class testB extends test
    function testB()
        $b = new b();

        // Here we need to override a::a() method in some way to always return 'Foo'
        // so it doesn't depend on the third party service. We only need to check
        // the $b::b() method's behavior (that it appends ' Bar' to the string).
        // How do we do that?

        $this->assert_equals('Foo Bar', $b->b());

请注意,我无法控制 class 'a' defined/included.




interface Doer {
    function a();

然后为你创建一个适配器class class:

class ADoer implements Doer
   protected $dependencyA;

   public function __construct(A $dep) {
       $this->dependencyA = $dep;

   public function a() {

现在让你的 B class 依赖于 Doer 接口,而不是 A 实现:

class B {
   private $doer;
   public function __construct(Doer $a) {
      $this->doer = $a;

   public function b() {

   public function setDoer(Doer $a) {
       $this->doer = $a;



class FooDoer implements Doer {
   function a() {
      //do whatever you want

$b->setDoer(new FooDoer());

如果您更改了 class b 以便可以传入 a 的实例:

class b
    function b($a = null)
        if ($a == null) {
            $a = new a();

        return $a->a() . ' Bar';

...然后为了测试,您可以使用像 Mockery 这样的框架来传递 'a' 的模拟实例,它总是 returns 'Foo'

use \Mockery as m;

class testB extends test

    public function tearDown()

    public function testB()
        $mockA = m::mock('a');

        $b = new b($mockA);

        $this->assert_equals('Foo Bar', $b->b());


在此处查看 Mockery 的完整文档和示例:http://docs.mockery.io/en/latest/getting_started/simple_example.html