如何像 Microsoft Office Publisher 一样一次打印身份证件?

How to print collection of ID cards in one print like Microsoft Office Publisher?

在我的应用程序中,我有一个用于创建员工身份证的表格。一切都很好,但我在将所有选定的身份证添加到页面时遇到打印问题。就像在 1 页中打印大约 4 张横向卡片非常容易,这可以使用打印文档方法和 rdlc 报告来完成。我在哪里使用 printdocument 的 PrintPage 事件来完成作业和 rdlc 报告的参数。但两者都限制为每次打印 4 张卡片。但是我想要的是假设有二十个新员工需要身份证,我想一次打印出来。




Dim i as integer = 25
For j as Integer = 0 To dgv.rowcount - 1
   e.Graphics.DrawImage(dgv.rows(j).Cells(0).Value, 25, i, 375, 236)
   i += 241
i = 25

But this can only print up to 4 cards per print. I tried to use e.HasMorePages = True but couldn't make it work to get what I want.


创建一个数据集 DS1,并添加一个 tables,其列名与我的 datagridview 列名相同,然后使用数据集 DS1 创建一个 rdlc 报告,并在其中添加一个 table只有图像列可见。

But unfortunately this was the biggest fail in this case as it cannot even show a single picture. So I had an option to create pictures on the report and use the Parameter method to get the values from the form which again restricts me from printing more than 4 cards per print.


Const ITEMS_PER_PAGE As Integer = 4

Private items As List(Of Object)
Private itemIndex As Integer

Private Sub PrintDocument1_BeginPrint(sender As Object, e As PrintEventArgs) Handles PrintDocument1.BeginPrint
    'Start from the beginning of the list.
    itemIndex = 0
End Sub

Private Sub PrintDocument1_PrintPage(sender As Object, e As Printing.PrintPageEventArgs) Handles PrintDocument1.PrintPage
    For i = 1 To ITEMS_PER_PAGE
        If itemIndex = items.Count Then
            'We're done.
            Exit For
        End If

        Dim item = items(itemIndex)

        'Print item here.

        itemIndex += 1

    'Print another page if and only if we are not at the end of the list.
    e.HasMorePages = itemIndex < items.Count
End Sub

请注意 itemIndexPrintPage 事件处理程序调用之间保持其值。