查找谁更改了 FB 应用程序设置(FB 登录重定向 URL 列表)

Find who made changes to FB app settings (FB login redirect URLs list)


在我们的一个应用程序中,允许从 FB 登录重定向的 URL 列表发生了神秘变化。我不相信奇迹,所以可能有人改变了它们。此更改造成了数次损坏,目前我们正在与客户讨论责任和损坏保险以及预防未来事件的发生。

问题:我能否以某种方式查看更改了 FB 应用程序设置的人员和时间,或者询问 FB 支持人员有关此事的信息?有很多人对应用程序具有管理员访问权限,如果不跟踪他们的操作,不希望的更改迟早会再次发生。





Update Notification

In the event that such a takeover does take place, we have built a notification system to expedite discovery and recovery from such takeovers. This notifies relevant individuals when any app settings are changed using the App Dashboard. The notification contains information about what change was made and by whom.

An app can register an email address to which these notifications should be sent in the Advanced tab of app settings.