在 http.FileServer 中覆盖 Last-Modified header

Overriding Last-Modified header in http.FileServer

我试图覆盖 http.FileServer 设置的 Last-Modified-header,但它恢复到我正在尝试的文件的 Last-Modified-时间服务:

var myTime time.Time

func main() {
     myTime = time.Now()         

     fs := http.StripPrefix("/folder/", SetCacheHeader(http.FileServer(http.Dir("/folder/"))))
     http.Handle("/folder/", fs)
     http.ListenAndServe(":80", nil)

我的 SetCacheHeader-处理程序:

func SetCacheHeader(h http.Handler) http.Handler {
    return http.HandlerFunc(func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
        w.Header().Set("Last-Modified", myTime.Format(http.TimeFormat))
        h.ServeHTTP(w, r)

http.FileServer() 编写的处理程序 return 无条件地在 http.serveFile()http.serveContent() 未导出函数中设置 "Last-Modified" header:

func serveFile(w ResponseWriter, r *Request, fs FileSystem,
    name string, redirect bool) {

    // ...
    f, err := fs.Open(name)
    // ...
    d, err := f.Stat()
    // ...

    // serveContent will check modification time
    sizeFunc := func() (int64, error) { return d.Size(), nil }
    serveContent(w, r, d.Name(), d.ModTime(), sizeFunc, f)

func serveContent(w ResponseWriter, r *Request, name string, modtime time.Time,
    sizeFunc func() (int64, error), content io.ReadSeeker) {
    setLastModified(w, modtime)
    // ...

func setLastModified(w ResponseWriter, modtime time.Time) {
    if !isZeroTime(modtime) {
        w.Header().Set("Last-Modified", modtime.UTC().Format(TimeFormat))


如果您需要以自定义 last-modified 时间提供文件内容,您可以使用 http.ServeContent():

func ServeContent(w ResponseWriter, req *Request, name string,
    modtime time.Time, content io.ReadSeeker)


如果您想继续使用 http.FileServer(),另一种选择是不使用您传递给 http.FileServer()http.Dir type, but create your own http.FileSystem 实现,您可以在其中报告任何 [=51] =] 你想要的时间戳。


type FileSystem interface {
        Open(name string) (File, error)

所以你需要一个按文件名打开文件的方法,returns 一个实现 http.File 的值,即:

type File interface {
        Readdir(count int) ([]os.FileInfo, error)
        Stat() (os.FileInfo, error)

而您 return 的值(实现 http.File)可以有一个 Stat() (os.FileInfo, error) 方法实现,其 os.FileInfo returned value contains the last-modified time of your choosing. Note that you should also implement the Readdir() method to return custom last-modified timestamps consistent with the timestamps returned by Stat()'s fileinfo. See related question how to do that: Simples way to make a []byte into a "virtual" File object in golang?