LLVM InstVisitor - 没有虚拟功能?

LLVM InstVisitor - No Virtual Functions?

我一直在查看他们实现访客模式的 LLVM InstVisitor.h 文件。它们的实现与我在访问者模式中看到的任何东西都大不相同。


To define your own visitor, inherit from this class, specifying your new type for the 'SubClass' template parameter, and "override" visitXXX functions in your class. I say "override" because this class is defined in terms of statically resolved overloading, not virtual functions.


Note that this class is specifically designed as a template to avoid virtual function call overhead. Defining and using an InstVisitor is just as efficient as having your own switch statement over the instruction opcode.

我问是因为 说 LLVM 在此实现中使用了访问者模式,但我无法弄清楚为什么它与我见过的任何其他实现如此不同。


llvm::InstVisitor 使用 Curiously Recurring Template Pattern (CRTP),这是一种用于执行访问成员函数静态分派的 C++ 习惯用法。

这样,正确的 visitXXX 调用将被静态解析(在编译时),避免了动态虚拟调用解析的额外成本。


// The compiler will choose the Derived implementation of visitXXX
// if exists, but will fallback to the Base implementation as Derived 
// inherits from Base. All done at compile time.
void Base::do_visit() {
  return static_cast<Derived *>(this)->visitXXX();

请注意,没有类似 "override" 的机制:如果您无法为一次访问函数匹配确切的函数签名,它将调用基础 class 实现,而不是您自己的实现。


struct CountAllocaVisitor : public InstVisitor<CountAllocaVisitor> {
  unsigned Count;
  CountAllocaVisitor() : Count(0) {}
  void visitAllocaInst(AllocaInst &AI) { ++Count; }

// And this class would be used like this:
CountAllocaVisitor CAV;
NumAllocas = CAV.Count;