从 CUDA 回调中排队异步副本 - 不允许?

Enqueueing an async copy from a CUDA callback - not permitted?


#include <string>
#include <stdexcept>

struct buffers_t {
    void* host_buffer;
    void* device_buffer;

void ensure_no_error(std::string message) {
    auto status = cudaGetLastError();
    if (status != cudaSuccess) {
        throw std::runtime_error(message + ": " + cudaGetErrorString(status));

void my_callback(cudaStream_t stream, cudaError_t status, void* args) {
    auto buffers = (buffers_t *) args;
        buffers->host_buffer, buffers->device_buffer,
        1, cudaMemcpyDefault, stream);
    ensure_no_error("after cudaMemcpyAsync");

int main() {
    cudaStream_t stream;
    cudaStreamCreateWithFlags(&stream, cudaStreamNonBlocking);
    buffers_t buffers;
    cudaMallocHost(&buffers.host_buffer, 1);
    cudaMalloc(&buffers.device_buffer, 1);
    cudaStreamAddCallback(stream, my_callback, &buffers, 0);
    ensure_no_error("after enqueue callback");
    ensure_no_error("after sync");


terminate called after throwing an instance of 'std::runtime_error'
  what():  after cudaMemcpyAsync: operation not permitted

这有点奇怪,因为 cudaMemcpyAsync 的 API 参考没有将 cudaErrorNotPermitted 列为潜在错误之一。从回调中调度异步副本真的有问题吗?

注意:我的机器有 GTX 650 Ti (CC 3.0),CUDA 9.0,Linux内核 4.8.0,驱动程序 384.59。

Is there really a problem with scheduling an async copy from a callback?

来自 documentation 流回调:

A callback must not make CUDA API calls (directly or indirectly), as it might end up waiting on itself if it makes such a call leading to a deadlock.