Outlook 支持哪些协议进行双向日历同步?

What Protocols are Supported By Outlook for 2-way Calendar Sync?

我想创建一个 Outlook 可以订阅的日历,可以在 Outlook 或 "calendar service"(无论最终是什么)上进行更新。

Outlook 支持哪些协议,这些协议是否像我描述的那样是双向的?

例如我希望 Outlook 能够更新来自已订阅日历的现有日历项。

我最近对此进行了自己的研究,发现 the following website 我认为它概述了大多数选项。

Office 365 支持:

并且如@camelsWriteInCamelCase 所示:

根据this article

You must have an email provider that uses Micosoft Exchange ActiveSync. Most common providers like Gmail do.

From Wikipedia:

Exchange ActiveSync (commonly known as EAS) is a proprietary protocol designed for the synchronization of email, contacts, calendar, tasks, and notes from a messaging server to a smartphone or other mobile devices. The protocol also provides mobile device management and policy controls. The protocol is based on XML. The mobile device communicates over HTTP or HTTPS.

如果您想进行自己的同步,可以使用 Outlook REST API。或者您可以使用任何现有的应用程序,例如: