使用 Apollo 客户端发出弃用警告

Emit deprecation warnings with Apollo client


我们正在进行一个相当大的 Apollo 项目。我们的 api 的一个非常简化的版本如下所示:

type Operation {
    foo: String
    activity: Activity

type Activity {
    bar: String
    # Lots of fields here ...

我们已经意识到拆分 OperationActivity 没有任何好处并且增加了复杂性。我们想合并它们。但是在代码库中有很多查询采用这种结构。为了使过渡渐进,我们添加 @deprecated 指令:

type Operation {
    foo: String
    bar: String
    activity: Activity @deprecated

type Activity {
    bar: String @deprecated(reason: "Use Operation.bar instead")
    # Lots of fields here ...


有什么方法可以突出显示这些弃用的内容吗?最好在(在测试环境中)运行 查询使用弃用字段时在浏览器控制台中打印警告?

所以两年后回到 GraphQL 我才发现 schema directives can be customized(现在?)。所以这是一个解决方案:

import { SchemaDirectiveVisitor } from "graphql-tools"
import { defaultFieldResolver } from "graphql"
import { ApolloServer } from "apollo-server"

class DeprecatedDirective extends SchemaDirectiveVisitor {
  public visitFieldDefinition(field ) {
    field.isDeprecated = true
    field.deprecationReason = this.args.reason

    const { resolve = defaultFieldResolver, } = field
    field.resolve = async function (...args) {
      const [_,__,___,info,] = args
      const { operation, } = info
      const queryName = operation.name.value
      // eslint-disable-next-line no-console
      `Deprecation Warning:
        Query [${queryName}] used field [${field.name}]
        Deprecation reason: [${field.deprecationReason}]`)
      return resolve.apply(this, args)

  public visitEnumValue(value) {
    value.isDeprecated = true
    value.deprecationReason = this.args.reason

new ApolloServer({
  schemaDirectives: {
    deprecated: DeprecatedDirective,
}).listen().then(({ url, }) => {
  console.log(`  Server ready at ${url}`)
