在使用 javascript 的 Web Form 2010 应用程序中使用 Microsoft Edge
Microsoft edge being used in a web form 2010 app that uses javascript
在 vb.net 2010 web 表单应用程序中,我发现 Internet Explorer 11 由于
"var firstVisibleElement = Array.from(document.querySelector("#rso").children).find(positiveClientHeight)"。 Array.from 不再有效。
我在 Microsoft Edge 中 运行 相同的应用程序,我发现该应用程序运行正常。
因此,由于 Internet Explorer 11 由于弃用 and/or 过时 JavaScript 语句而无法工作,Microsoft Edge 中是否有弃用 and/or 过时功能?
如果是这样,你能告诉我 and/or 指向 link(s) url(s) 会告诉我什么 deprecated/obsolete javascript 对象是?
EDGE 似乎只运行最现代的网络标准。
Microsoft Edge doesn't support ActiveX controls, Browser Helper
Objects, VBScript, or other legacy technology.
但是是的,Microsoft edge 确实有旧版支持,但不是开箱即用的。
If you have websites or
web apps that still use this technology and need IE11, you can add
them to the Enterprise Mode site list, using the Enterprise Mode Site
List Manager.
Compatibility and security. Microsoft Edge lets you continue to use
IE11 for sites that are on your corporate intranet or that are
included on your Enterprise Mode Site List. You must use IE11 to run
older, less secure technology, such as ActiveX controls.
在 vb.net 2010 web 表单应用程序中,我发现 Internet Explorer 11 由于
的过时语句而不再工作"var firstVisibleElement = Array.from(document.querySelector("#rso").children).find(positiveClientHeight)"。 Array.from 不再有效。
我在 Microsoft Edge 中 运行 相同的应用程序,我发现该应用程序运行正常。
因此,由于 Internet Explorer 11 由于弃用 and/or 过时 JavaScript 语句而无法工作,Microsoft Edge 中是否有弃用 and/or 过时功能?
如果是这样,你能告诉我 and/or 指向 link(s) url(s) 会告诉我什么 deprecated/obsolete javascript 对象是?
EDGE 似乎只运行最现代的网络标准。
Microsoft Edge doesn't support ActiveX controls, Browser Helper Objects, VBScript, or other legacy technology.
但是是的,Microsoft edge 确实有旧版支持,但不是开箱即用的。
If you have websites or web apps that still use this technology and need IE11, you can add them to the Enterprise Mode site list, using the Enterprise Mode Site List Manager.
Compatibility and security. Microsoft Edge lets you continue to use IE11 for sites that are on your corporate intranet or that are included on your Enterprise Mode Site List. You must use IE11 to run older, less secure technology, such as ActiveX controls.