如何为标有自定义注释的 属性 调用 getter/setter?

How can I call getter/setter for property marked with custom annotation?

我目前正在创建一个自定义编组工具来解析 excel 文件。我想知道我如何首先找到所有带有自定义注释的属性(这需要考虑继承,所以不仅仅是getDeclaredFields),然后根据我使用的方法调用相应的 getter 或 setter。现在,我只关注 setter。


private <T> T findAnnotations(Class<T> clazz)
    T obj  = null;

    Annotation[] annotations = clazz.getAnnotations();

    for(Annotation annotation : annotations)
        if(annotation.annotationType() == ExcelColumn.class)
            if(obj == null)
                try {
                    obj = clazz.newInstance();
                } catch (IllegalAccessException | InstantiationException e) {
            //annotation found
            //call setter of property
            //using ChildTest sample class call setname and set parent name 
            //with string previously parsed.
            // i.e obj.setName("") and obj.setParentName("") 
    return obj;


public class ChildTest extends Parent{
     private String name;
     public void setName(String name) {
          this.name = name;

public class Parent{
     private String parentName;
     public void setParentName(String parentName) {
          this.parentName= parentName;


obj.getClass().getMethod("setName", String.class).invoke(obj, "Name");
obj.getClass().getMethod("setParentName", String.class).invoke(obj, "Parent name");