Tensorflow 数据 API - 预取
Tensorflow Data API - prefetch
我正在尝试使用 TF 的新功能,即数据 API,但我不确定 prefetch 是如何工作的。在下面的代码中
def dataset_input_fn(...)
dataset = tf.data.TFRecordDataset(filenames, compression_type="ZLIB")
dataset = dataset.map(lambda x:parser(...))
dataset = dataset.map(lambda x,y: image_augmentation(...)
, num_parallel_calls=num_threads
dataset = dataset.shuffle(buffer_size)
dataset = dataset.batch(batch_size)
dataset = dataset.repeat(num_epochs)
iterator = dataset.make_one_shot_iterator()
我把 dataset=dataset.prefetch(batch_size)
放在上面的每一行之间有关系吗?或者,如果数据集来自 tf.contrib.data
,也许应该在每个使用 output_buffer_size
在 github 的讨论中,我发现了 mrry 的评论:
Note that in TF 1.4 there will be a Dataset.prefetch() method that
makes it easier to add prefetching at any point in the pipeline, not
just after a map(). (You can try it by downloading the current nightly
For example, Dataset.prefetch() will start a background thread to
populate a ordered buffer that acts like a tf.FIFOQueue, so that
downstream pipeline stages need not block. However, the prefetch()
implementation is much simpler, because it doesn't need to support as
many different concurrent operations as a tf.FIFOQueue.
关于 还有一个讨论,其中 mrry 解释了更多关于预取和缓冲区的内容。
更新 2018/10/01:
从版本 1.7.0 开始,数据集 API(在贡献中)有一个选项 prefetch_to_device
。请注意,此转换必须是管道中的最后一个,当 TF 2.0 到达时 contrib
将消失。要在多个 GPU 上进行预取,请使用 MultiDeviceIterator
(示例请参见 #13610) multi_device_iterator_ops.py。
我正在尝试使用 TF 的新功能,即数据 API,但我不确定 prefetch 是如何工作的。在下面的代码中
def dataset_input_fn(...)
dataset = tf.data.TFRecordDataset(filenames, compression_type="ZLIB")
dataset = dataset.map(lambda x:parser(...))
dataset = dataset.map(lambda x,y: image_augmentation(...)
, num_parallel_calls=num_threads
dataset = dataset.shuffle(buffer_size)
dataset = dataset.batch(batch_size)
dataset = dataset.repeat(num_epochs)
iterator = dataset.make_one_shot_iterator()
我把 dataset=dataset.prefetch(batch_size)
放在上面的每一行之间有关系吗?或者,如果数据集来自 tf.contrib.data
在 github 的讨论中,我发现了 mrry 的评论:
Note that in TF 1.4 there will be a Dataset.prefetch() method that makes it easier to add prefetching at any point in the pipeline, not just after a map(). (You can try it by downloading the current nightly build.)
For example, Dataset.prefetch() will start a background thread to populate a ordered buffer that acts like a tf.FIFOQueue, so that downstream pipeline stages need not block. However, the prefetch() implementation is much simpler, because it doesn't need to support as many different concurrent operations as a tf.FIFOQueue.
更新 2018/10/01:
从版本 1.7.0 开始,数据集 API(在贡献中)有一个选项 prefetch_to_device
。请注意,此转换必须是管道中的最后一个,当 TF 2.0 到达时 contrib
将消失。要在多个 GPU 上进行预取,请使用 MultiDeviceIterator
(示例请参见 #13610) multi_device_iterator_ops.py。