无法拆分包含单词之间空格和制表符的字符数组字段。帮助我使用 Apache Pig 命令?

Not able to split chararray field containing spaces and tabs between the words. Help me with the command using Apache Pig?

Sample.txt 文件

2017-01-01 10:21:59 THURSDAY    -39 3 Pick up a bus - Travel for two hours
2017-02-01 12:45:19 FRIDAY  -55 8 Pick up a train - Travel for one hour
2017-03-01 11:35:49 SUNDAY  -55 8 Pick up a train - Travel for one hour



A = LOAD 'Sample.txt' USING PigStorage() as (line:chararray);
B = foreach A generate STRSPLIT(line, ' ', 3);
c = foreach B generate ;
split C into buslog if [=11=] matches '.*bus*.', trainlog if [=11=] matches '.*train*.';

注意:- C 的转储将给出以下结果。

THURSDAY    -39 3 Pick up a bus - Travel for two hours
FRIDAY  -55 8 Pick up a train - Travel for one hour
SUNDAY  -55 8 Pick up a train - Travel for one hour



split C into buslog if [=10=] matches '.*bus.*', trainlog if [=10=] matches '.*train.*';