如何使用 h5py 将数据附加到 hdf5 文件中的一个特定数据集

How to append data to one specific dataset in a hdf5 file with h5py

我正在寻找使用 Python (h5py) 将数据附加到 .h5 文件内现有数据集的可能性。

我的项目的简短介绍:我尝试使用医学图像数据训练 CNN。由于在将数据转换为 NumPy 数组的过程中数据量巨大且内存使用量大,我需要将 "transformation" 拆分为几个数据块:加载和预处理前 100 个医学图像并保存 NumPy 数组到 hdf5 文件,然后加载接下来的 100 个数据集并附加现有的 .h5 文件,依此类推。

现在,我尝试按如下方式存储前 100 个转换后的 NumPy 数组:

import h5py
from LoadIPV import LoadIPV

X_train_data, Y_train_data, X_test_data, Y_test_data = LoadIPV()

with h5py.File('.\PreprocessedData.h5', 'w') as hf:
    hf.create_dataset("X_train", data=X_train_data, maxshape=(None, 512, 512, 9))
    hf.create_dataset("X_test", data=X_test_data, maxshape=(None, 512, 512, 9))
    hf.create_dataset("Y_train", data=Y_train_data, maxshape=(None, 512, 512, 1))
    hf.create_dataset("Y_test", data=Y_test_data, maxshape=(None, 512, 512, 1))

可以看出,转换后的 NumPy 数组被分成四个不同的 "groups",存储在四个 hdf5 数据集 [X_train, X_test, Y_train, Y_test] 中。 LoadIPV() 函数执行医学图像数据的预处理。

我的问题是我想将接下来的 100 个 NumPy 数组存储到现有数据集中的同一个 .h5 文件中:这意味着我想附加到现有的 X_train 形状 [100, 512, 512, 9] 的数据集与接下来的 100 个 NumPy 数组,这样 X_train 变成形状 [200, 512, 512, 9]。这同样适用于其他三个数据集 X_testY_trainY_test.


看看这个:incremental writes to hdf5 with h5py!

为了将数据附加到特定数据集,必须首先调整相应轴中特定数据集的大小,然后将新数据附加到 "old" nparray 的末尾。


with h5py.File('.\PreprocessedData.h5', 'a') as hf:
    hf["X_train"].resize((hf["X_train"].shape[0] + X_train_data.shape[0]), axis = 0)
    hf["X_train"][-X_train_data.shape[0]:] = X_train_data

    hf["X_test"].resize((hf["X_test"].shape[0] + X_test_data.shape[0]), axis = 0)
    hf["X_test"][-X_test_data.shape[0]:] = X_test_data

    hf["Y_train"].resize((hf["Y_train"].shape[0] + Y_train_data.shape[0]), axis = 0)
    hf["Y_train"][-Y_train_data.shape[0]:] = Y_train_data

    hf["Y_test"].resize((hf["Y_test"].shape[0] + Y_test_data.shape[0]), axis = 0)
    hf["Y_test"][-Y_test_data.shape[0]:] = Y_test_data

但是请注意,您应该使用 maxshape=(None,) 创建数据集,例如

h5f.create_dataset('X_train', data=orig_data, compression="gzip", chunks=True, maxshape=(None,)) 


@Midas.Inc 答案很有效。只是为感兴趣的人提供一个最小的工作示例:

import numpy as np
import h5py

f = h5py.File('MyDataset.h5', 'a')
for i in range(10):

  # Data to be appended
  new_data = np.ones(shape=(100,64,64)) * i
  new_label = np.ones(shape=(100,1)) * (i+1)

  if i == 0:
    # Create the dataset at first
    f.create_dataset('data', data=new_data, compression="gzip", chunks=True, maxshape=(None,64,64))
    f.create_dataset('label', data=new_label, compression="gzip", chunks=True, maxshape=(None,1)) 
    # Append new data to it
    f['data'].resize((f['data'].shape[0] + new_data.shape[0]), axis=0)
    f['data'][-new_data.shape[0]:] = new_data

    f['label'].resize((f['label'].shape[0] + new_label.shape[0]), axis=0)
    f['label'][-new_label.shape[0]:] = new_label

  print("I am on iteration {} and 'data' chunk has shape:{}".format(i,f['data'].shape))



#I am on iteration 0 and 'data' chunk has shape:(100, 64, 64)
#I am on iteration 1 and 'data' chunk has shape:(200, 64, 64)
#I am on iteration 2 and 'data' chunk has shape:(300, 64, 64)
#I am on iteration 3 and 'data' chunk has shape:(400, 64, 64)
#I am on iteration 4 and 'data' chunk has shape:(500, 64, 64)
#I am on iteration 5 and 'data' chunk has shape:(600, 64, 64)
#I am on iteration 6 and 'data' chunk has shape:(700, 64, 64)
#I am on iteration 7 and 'data' chunk has shape:(800, 64, 64)
#I am on iteration 8 and 'data' chunk has shape:(900, 64, 64)
#I am on iteration 9 and 'data' chunk has shape:(1000, 64, 64)