
How to replace matches in a string and index each match

一个特定的字符串可以包含我试图匹配的模式的多个实例。例如,如果我的模式是<N(.+?)N>,我的字符串是"My name is <N Timon N> and his name is <N Pumba N>",那么就有两个匹配项。我想用包含要替换匹配项的索引的替换项替换每个匹配项。

所以在我的字符串中 "My name is <N Timon N> and his name is <N Pumba N>", 我想将字符串更改为 "My name is [Name #1] and his name is [Name #2]".

如何完成此操作,最好使用单个函数?最好使用 stringrstringi?


这是一个依赖于 gsubfnproto 包的解决方案。

# Define the string to which the function will be applied
my_string <- "My name is <N Timon N> and his name is <N Pumba N>"

# Define the replacement function
replacement_fn <- function(x) {

  replacment_proto_fn <- proto::proto(fun = function(this, x) {
      paste0("[Name #", count, "]")

  gsubfn::gsubfn(pattern = "<N(.+?)N>",
                 replacement = replacment_proto_fn,
                 x = x)

# Use the function on the string

您可以使用 Base R 中的 gregexprregmatches 执行此操作:

my_string = "My name is <N Timon N> and his name is <N Pumba N>"

# Get the positions of the matches in the string
m = gregexpr("<N(.+?)N>", my_string, perl = TRUE)

# Index each match and replace text using the indices
match_indices = 1:length(unlist(m))

regmatches(my_string, m) = list(paste0("[Name #", match_indices, "]"))


> my_string
# [1] "My name is [Name #1] and his name is [Name #2]"


如果出现多次,此解决方案会将相同的匹配视为不同的 "Name"。例如以下内容:

my_string = "My name is <N Timon N> and his name is <N Pumba N>, <N Timon N> again"

m = gregexpr("<N(.+?)N>", my_string, perl = TRUE)

match_indices = 1:length(unlist(m))

regmatches(my_string, m) = list(paste0("[Name #", match_indices, "]"))


> my_string
[1] "My name is [Name #1] and his name is [Name #2], [Name #3] again"


ct <- 1
while(TRUE) {
 old_string <- my_string; 
 my_string <- stri_replace_first_regex(my_string, '\<N.*?N\>', 
       paste0('[name', ct, ,']')); 
  if (old_string == my_string) break 
  ct <- ct + 1

这是 dplyr + stringr 的另一种方法:


string %>%
  str_extract_all("<N(.+?)N>") %>%
  unlist() %>%
  setNames(paste0("[Name #", 1:length(.), "]"), .) %>%
  str_replace_all(string, .)

# [1] "My name is [Name #1] and his name is [Name #2]"


第二个解决方案提取 str_extract_all 的匹配项,然后使用这些匹配项创建一个命名的替换向量,最后将其输入 str_replace_all 进行相应的搜索和替换。

正如 OP 所指出的,在某些情况下,此解决方案产生的结果与 gregexpr + regmatches 方法不同。例如以下内容:

string = "My name is <N Timon N> and his name is <N Pumba N>, <N Timon N> again"

string %>%
  str_extract_all("<N(.+?)N>") %>%
  unlist() %>%
  setNames(paste0("[Name #", 1:length(.), "]"), .) %>%
  str_replace_all(string, .)


[1] "My name is [Name #1] and his name is [Name #2], [Name #1] again"