如何匹配 return 一个 Future 并具有多个参数或多个参数列表(curried)的方法?

How to match methods which return a Future and have multiple arguments or multiple arguments list (curried)?

我正在玩 scalameta,我想要一个通用的测量注释,它发送有关方法执行时间的测量值。

我用的是Qing Wei的缓存注解demo。 https://www.cakesolutions.net/teamblogs/scalameta-tut-cache

它适用于非异步方法,但由于 ExecutionContext 参数列表,我的属性与 return Future 的方法不匹配。


package measurements 

import scala.concurrent.Future
import scala.meta._

class measure(name: String) extends scala.annotation.StaticAnnotation {
  inline def apply(defn: Any): Any = meta {
    defn match {
      case defn: Defn.Def => {
        this match {
          case q"new $_($backendParam)" =>
            val body: Term = MeasureMacroImpl.expand(backendParam, defn)
            defn.copy(body = body)
          case x =>
            abort(s"Unrecognized pattern $x")
      case _ =>
        abort("This annotation only works on `def`")

object MeasureMacroImpl {

  def expand(nameExpr: Term.Arg, annotatedDef: Defn.Def): Term = {
    val name: Term.Name = Term.Name(nameExpr.syntax)
    annotatedDef match {
      case q"..$_ def $methodName[..$tps](..$nonCurriedParams): $rtType = $expr" => {
        rtType match {
          case f: Future[Any] => q"""
            val name = $name
            println("before " + name)
            val future: ${rtType} = ${expr}
            future.map(result => {
              println("after " + name)
          case _ => q"""
            val name = $name
            println("before " + name)
            val result: ${rtType} = ${expr}
            println("after " + name)
      case _ => abort("This annotation only works on `def`")


def test(x: String): String = x

def testMultipleArg(x: Int, y: Int): Int = x + y


def testAsync(x: String)(implicit ec: ExecutionContext) : Future[String] = {


exception during macro expansion: 
scala.meta.internal.inline.AbortException: This annotation only works on `def`

我假设问题是 MeasureMacroImpl 匹配,但我不确定如何匹配多个参数组。你们能帮帮我吗?任何想法或示例代码将不胜感激。我对 scala 和 scala meta 很陌生,如果我问了一个微不足道的问题,我深表歉意。

您遇到错误,因为 MeasureMacroImpl 与柯里化参数不匹配。


scala case q"..$_ def $methodName[..$tps](...$nonCurriedParams): $rtType = $expr"

注意 ...$nonCurriedParams 而不是 ..$nonCurriedParams