查找并打印 10000 以下的完美数字(Liang,Java 简介,练习 5.33)

Finding and printing perfect numbers under 10000 (Liang, Intro to Java, Exercise 5.33)


对于我的家庭作业,我正在尝试编写一个程序来查找 10000 以下的所有四个完美数字,但是当我 运行 它时我的代码不起作用而且我不确定为什么(它只是 运行s 一两秒钟,然后在不打印任何内容后说 "build successful")。我将其包含在下面,以及一些解释我的思考过程的评论。有人可以帮我解决问题吗?

public class HomeworkTwo {

     * @param args the command line arguments
    public static void main(String[] args) {

        //Variable declaration

        int n;
        int possibleFactor;
        int factorSum=0;

        /**For each n, the program looks through all positive integers less than n  
           and tries to find factors of n. Once found, it adds them
           together and checks if the sum equals n. Then it repeats till n=9999. **/

        for (n=2; n<10000; n++) {
            for (possibleFactor = 1; possibleFactor < n; possibleFactor++) {
                if (n % possibleFactor == 0) {
                    factorSum = possibleFactor + factorSum;

                //Is the number perfect? Printing
                if (factorSum == n) {
                    System.out.println(""+ n +" is a perfect number.");

您在第一个 for 循环之前将 factorSum 初始化为 0,但是在尝试每个新的 n 时您没有将其重置为 0 .这些因素不断累加,永远不会等于要检查的数量。在 n for 循环开始时将其重置为 0

此外,您可能希望在内部 for 循环之后但在外部 for 循环结束之前移动测试和打印数字是一个完美的数字,否则它可能会打印超出需要的内容。


  1. 您需要在遍历因数后将 factorSum 重置为 0
  2. 您应该在添加所有因素之后检查您的 factorSum == n,而不是在循环内。
  3. 您最多只需要检查n/2;例如 10 永远不能被 7 整除。


public class HomeworkTwo {

   * @param args
   *          the command line arguments
  public static void main(String[] args) {

    // Variable declaration

    int n;
    int possibleFactor;
    int factorSum = 0;

     * For each n, the program looks through all positive integers less than n
     * and tries to find factors of n. Once found, it adds them together and
     * checks if the sum equals n. Then it repeats till n=9999.

    for (n = 2; n < 10000; n++) {
      factorSum = 0;
      for (possibleFactor = 1; possibleFactor <= n / 2; possibleFactor++) {
        if (n % possibleFactor == 0) {
          factorSum = possibleFactor + factorSum;
      // Is the number perfect? Printing
      if (factorSum == n) {
        System.out.println("" + n + " is a perfect number.");


for (n=2; n<10000; n++) {
    for (possibleFactor = 1; possibleFactor < n; possibleFactor++) {
        if (n % possibleFactor == 0) {
            factorSum = possibleFactor + factorSum;

    //Is the number perfect? Printing
    if (factorSum == n) {
        System.out.println(""+ n +" is a perfect number.");
    factorSum = 0;

我想您已经这样做了,但无论如何,您代码中的主要问题是 "factorSum" 变量。检查每个数字后,您应该再次将其设置为 0。另外,我用printf代替了println,但是是一样的:

public static void main(String[] args) {
    int number = 0;
    int factor = 0;
    int factorSum = 0;

    for(number = 2; number < 10000; number++) { //for each number we will check the possible factors.
        factorSum = 0;

        for(factor = 1; factor < number; factor++)
            if((number % factor) == 0) { //if it is a factor, we add his value to factorSum.
                factorSum = factorSum + factor;

        if(factorSum == number) {
            System.out.printf("The number: %d is a perfect number.\n", number);