沃尔玛搜索 API 只显示 10 个结果

Walmart search API only show 10 results

我正在尝试使用 Walmart open Search API 来显示 Walmart 的产品列表。如果用户输入他们想要的东西,由于 API 限制

Item results returned by the API are paginated, with upto 25 items displayed per page (using the numItems parameter). It is possible to request more by using the "start" parameter that specifies the first item number in the response. Pagination is limited to the top 1000 items for a particular search


query: "ipod",
sort: "relevance",
format: "json",
responseGroup: "base",
totalResults: 3570,
start: 1,
numItems: 10,
items: [
itemId: 15076191,
parentItemId: 15076191,
name: "Apple iPod Touch 4th Generation 32GB with Bonus Accessory Kit",
salePrice: 189,}}


我相信您可以简单地将“&start=10”添加到您的查询字符串中,这将为您提供从第 10 项开始的结果。