Socket.IO-客户端 Java 的 Reactor Flux 代理

Reactor Flux proxy for Socket.IO-client Java

我正在实施 Spring WebFlux 端点,它应该从 Socket.IO-client Java.


我不明白将传入数据收集到 Flux 流中的方法。我可以通过某种方式创建新的 Flux 并将其订阅到传入的数据吗?谢谢指教。

@GetMapping("/streaming", produces = MediaType.APPLICATION_STREAM_JSON_VALUE)
    public Flux<MyRecourse> getStreaming() {

    URI uri = URI.create("http://localhost/"); // client
    Socket socket = IO.socket(uri);

    socket.on("event", args -> {    
        JSONObject obj = (JSONObject)args[0]; 
        MyRecourse recource = MyRecourse.create(obj);

        // how to put this recource into Flux stream?

    return fluxStreamOfRecources;


您可以使用 Flux.create() 从事件侦听器生成 Flux

Flux.<MyResource>create(emitter -> {

     URI uri = URI.create("http://localhost/"); // client
     Socket socket = IO.socket(uri);

     socket.on("event", args -> {    
       JSONObject obj = (JSONObject)args[0]; 
       MyResource resource = MyResource.create(obj);;

     // subscribe on error events
     socket.on(Socket.EVENT_CONNECT_ERROR, args -> {    
       // get error

     // unsubscribe from events when the client cancels
     emitter.onDispose(() -> {
         // disconnect from socket